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"Harry what do you think of this one?" Hazz and i were shopping while Dite is with Liam and Niall at home.

Mary left a couple of weeks ago and Hazz and i are married for almost three weeks now. Liam and Niall decided to stay to spend more time with us.

This is the first time Harry and i left the gates of the castle since i arrived there, for Harry since he was born.

Im exited, but Harry is going crazy. The world of course changed and he sees life out of the castle now. He loves it i can tell by the look of his eyes.

They seem a lighter green, a nice green.

"I like it, it suits your eyes" he tells me and i hum, liking the shirt im holding myself. "You need some jeans hazz, your always wearing those" i point at the ones he's wearing.

He fake gasps "these fit me!"

"Your ass fits in anything!"

"Now your talking about your ass" we both chuckle and continue shopping.

we are looking for some nice things for Dite such as princess dresses and so on. money isn't a problem for us, but we don't want to give Dite the idea that it's growing on trees.

I must say that she is spoiled, but I think that is allowed. When you have kids you automatically do it, when you can at least.

we also think of the people who have less money and donate money to agencies every year.

Harry told me he did it before I got to the castle and that he thinks this way and is sweet let my heart melt.

It's almost Dite's birthday so we're thinking about what to give her.

"maybe a bike louis?" I think "seems like a good idea, she now has such a balance bike but her butt no longer fits on the saddle"

"Did you just say your daughter's ass is fat?" laughs Harry and I giggle "like father like daughter ey?"


Niall is acting weird the last days. he whispers a lot with Liam and at night I hear him cry.

i ask what is there but he refuses to tell me.

it pains me to see my best friend like this, and also that Liam knows.

I understand it's his boyfriend, but I'm his best friend ...

Harry says I shouldn't worry so much about it and that it will all work out, but that conversation got out of hand because of my hormones (it's okay now).

I also notice that Niall is very tired the last few days, but that must be because he is hiding something and that probably causes a lot of stress.

that night when harry and I are watching 'the boy' a nearly crying Niall enters followed by liam.

"we need to talk" says liam and they sit on the couch next to us.

harry turns the tv off "everything okay?"

they nod "yes, it's just that-"

"im pregnant" says Niall and I gasp.

isn't that good news ?! I didn't even know Niall could carry kids, but I'm super happy for them!

I look at Harry and see that he doesn't fully understand the problem either.

"but that's a good thing, isn't it?" Harry then asks and Niall nods "I just wasn't ready yet. I wanted to travel the world, you know that Louis"

He's right, since childhood Niall has wanted to travel the world and take me with him.

when I got Dite that plan ended because I felt (and still think) that she should grow up in a fixed environment, and can't make friends every time and then leave them behind.

I thought Niall had given up on the plan too, because he told me he didn't want it anymore, but I think because it's final now, that affects him.

I get up and give him a hug. "Look on the bright side lad, you're going to be a dad! and we can always go on vacation together as two families!" I try to cheer him up a bit with that and it seems to help "you're right" he says and wipes his tears away with my sleeve, laughing.

I roll my eyes, it will be fine.


"Happy birthday to you!" I hug my daughter. Its September 28 also known as the birthday of my now 5 year old daughter.

She is growing up! Getting so tall (not taller then me she will be i hope).

Its 9PM and we decided to wake her up with breakfast in bed. She smiles "fanks daddy and papa!" She says and Harry kisses her cheek "Your 5 now monkey! What do you think?" He asks her.

"I want cake" she simply states making us laugh "first breakfast love, then you may have cake"


Its now a couple of hours later and Liam and Niall are still here, they are planning on leaving tommorow.

They gave Dite a huge doll house and we a pink with blue bike along with some other things. She loves it and was cycling in the yard the whole day (while Harry made sure she wouldn't fall).

Now were inside and Dite is sleeping already. I sit down next to hazz

It was a amazing birthday. Im sitting next to Harry on our bed and rub my belly. Im 28 weeks along now so approx two months until the little one will be here.

"Im exited hazz" i say and he looks at me

"Me too" he smiles, knowing what im talking about


Can we reach the 500 readers soon? 😁

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