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Im 20 weeks along. Today Hazz and i will see our lil bugger again on the ultrasound and were both exited. Dite won't come along since we will see the gender and we want to see it first before we suprise her with it on a cool way.

Im just getting ready when i feel something against my tummy. I look down and see a little footprint appear on my stomach.

"HARRY!" i yell and soon he appears in the doorway, holding Dite on his hip "everything alright? Do i need to call someone? What-" i grab his hand and place it on the part where i just felt the kick.

Soon i feel it again "our lil one is kicking..." he smiles and shows Dite who looks at it amused.

I wince when a somewhat harder kick is felt "ow"

"Daddy okay? Hurt?" I don't want to lie to her "a bit, monkey"

She looks at my baby bump "kiss on it? Papa and you always do that with my booboos" she cutely says and i coo "sure, you can give it a kiss" Harry answeres for me.

She kisses it and then a frown appears on her face "what's wrong?" Harry asks her.

"Daddy you just called me little monkey, will i always be that? Even when lil baby comes?" I grab her little hands and look her in the eye "yes darling, you always will be our little monkey, whatever happens. We will just need another nickname for your sibling" i tell her and she nods.

"Boo!" She squeals and i look at Harry who is smiling like crazy. "Boo it is then" i return the smile and place my hands on my tummy "our little boo"


"the baby is healthy, louis. Do you want to know the gender?" Dr. Hill asks and wipes the cold gel of my stomach.

I look at Harry and he nods. We already discussed this but to be sure i looked at him. "Yes please" i say and see her clap her hands.

"Congrats, your going to have a girl!" I jump of the table into Harry's arms. We both cry our eyes out and whisper soothing things to each other, with the intention to share our luck and happiness.

After a while i look up and meet his eyes "were going to have a baby girl" i whisper.

He nods and pecks my cheek "yes my love, were going to be parents again"


"Dite, you get what the point of this is?" I ask her. Its a week since we know we're going to have a beautiful girl and we decided to tell it Dite today.

We ordered a cake with pink cream in it so Dite can eat it and will see that she will get a sister.

"Yes! Dite eat cake and Dite sees blue or pink! Right papa?" She looks at harry who ruffles her hair "that's right darling, your exited?"

"Hungry" she shrugs making us laugh.

I gesture to the cake "eat it, love" she does as told and cheers once seeing the cream "baby sissy!" She yells and walks to me, placing her tiny hands on my bump "ello baby sissy!" She says and Harry and i share a look.

She's so adorable and cute...

"Your happy it is a girl?" Harry asks her then.

"Yes! Boy is also nice, but sissy can play with my barbie house!" She then pauses "what about daddy and papa?"

"Were don't care as long as the baby is healthy" i answer. I must say i really wanted a girl tho, i love to shop for clothes and yea girls also like that mostly.




"Did you already thought about names?" Were both laying in bed. Its after midnight but we both couldn't sleep.

"Hm well you can choose, i think i will love whatever you choose" he says and rubs circles on my tummy.

"Are you sure? It is a big deal" i tell him and he nods "im sure my love, may i choose the middle name tho?" I smile and nod "that's a fair deal"

"So... any names in mind?"

He hums "yes i think i do"

"Same goes for me" i tell him.

I can't wait to say it out loud...

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒂𝒓𝒍 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰 °𝑳.𝑺° ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now