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It's a month later, time flies when you have fun. Well fun, it wasn't always fun. The ghost girl appeared more and more and I can't help but kinda get annoyed with it, also due the fact Harry probably knows I know and he won't tell me anything at all.

I'm not that mad at him though, he's such a sweetheart. He plays with Aphrodite and when she's asleep we always do things together like watching a movie or reading to me, one of my favourite things.

At the moment it's pretty late and I just dressed up in a bear onesie. I look at the necklace on my neck and smile.

It was a present from Mary when I was going through hard times and it means a lot, thats also why I always wear it, 24/7.

Aphrodite calls it a 'good lucky stone!' And that makes me smile even more. She doesn't know the story behind it, but I don't want her to know yet, that's for when she's older.

I brush my teeth and stuff and see a shadow appear in the doorway. Thinking it's Harry I whisper, "hey hazz, whats up? Thought you were working."

When I dont get an answer I frown and walk to the shadow. When I look around the corner I scream, it's the girl!

She grins and pulls the necklace off my neck and runs away. With open mouth I look how she runs through the hallway and dissapears in the wall.

I sunk down to the ground, what did just happen? I then come to my senses and run as fast as I can to Harry's office. Without knocking I barge in. "Mister you have a lot to explain but a girl just took my necklace!" I yell.

His eyes widen as he passes me, dissapearing around the corner. I don't bother going after him, he now can fix it himself.

Confused I walk to my own room and turn on the nightstand table light. I lay down, hands behind my head and stare up to the ceilling.

Just as I start to fall asleep I hear someone knocking on my door and a, "hey lou, it's me, hazz."

I mumble a 'come in' and the door opens.

He sits down on the bed next to me. "We have to talk about many things Louis, I know that but I'm scared."

I look at him. "For what Harry? You know you can tell me anything."

He sighs. "I can tell you everything, but then you can also leave me and that is the last thing I want."

I put an arm around his shoulder. "I prefer you to be honest with me, that is what a relationship has built up mainly, trust. I will not leave you because I love you Harry."

That moment im blushing. This is not the moment when I thought I would say this but now that it has happened it is as if a weight is falling off my shoulders.

He smiles at me and shows me his dimples. "I love you too, my love."

Our lips lock and soon were in a make out session again. Before it gets too heated he grabs something from his pocket.

I gasp when I see what it is, my necklace! He puts it on again, where is belongs.

"You better explain everything to me tomorrow." I say and he nods before I kiss him again.

We're in love...


Does anyone even like this? 🤦‍♀️😂

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒂𝒓𝒍 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰 °𝑳.𝑺° ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now