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I knocked and heard a 'come in' so I stepped inside and was amazed how small the room was compared to the rest of the 'house'.

"Ah you must be mister Louis Tomlinson." I nodded and shook his hand, "Earl Styles, it's nice meeting you."

Something in me said I knew him from something, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He had a bush full of curly brown hair and beautiful emerald green eyes. His jaw seemed as sharp as the tip of a table, and I'm almost certain that if you measured it, it would be 90°.

"Likewise," I said. He pointed to a chair, so I sat down, "let's be clear. Everything I ask you do. I don't let you do things for no reason and you're paid well, understood?" I nodded again.

"Should I give you a tour or has Mary already done that?"

"A tour would be nice, next to the kitchen, me and my daughter's room I haven't seen much yet." Now it was his turn to nod, "oh yes you brought your daughter I heard."

"Is that a problem?" I asked a little annoyed because what makes a difference when I take my daughter, it isn't his problem.

"It isn't, just make sure she behaves."

I clenched my fists. "Listen carefully, I raised my daughter to treat people with the same respect that people treat her with, but when I see you I don't think you were raised the same. You may be the Earl of Drisband or even when you were the Earl of trash, you're nothing more than us." With that I walked out of the room and slammed the door behind me.

It was already evening which meant that I will have to make dinner.

In order not to let me know I did that for myself and Dite, but also for the Earl.

I did my very best and within half an hour 3 plates with perfectly prepared pasta were on the table. I put them on a tray and first walked to my room where I put 2 plates before making my way to his office.

I knocked again and didn't even wait for an answer before walking in.

The Earl's desk was filled with papers, and he was startled when he heard me come in. I went to the table in the corner of the room and saw him coming my way out of the corner of my eye.

"Enjoy your meal," I said, and wanted to make my way out when one hand grabbed my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tomlinson, it was very rude of me to jump into conclusions. I'm sure you and your daughter are good people because of the fact that Mary knows you both and that's why you're very welcome here." I turned around and gave him a little smile. "Thank you," I said and saw how he gave me a smile too.

He had dimples I saw then. His eyes lit up like a child at Christmas and I was sure I would never tire of looking at his smile.

"Would you like to join me perhaps?" he asked then and once I looked into his eyes I couldn't even say no.

I picked up my plate and sat down opposite him.

We actually had a pretty good conversation and even if it wasn't the typical conversation friends would have, it was a start.

After all I will be here for a while, then better friends than enemies seems to me.

I didn't learn much about him, just some basic things like having a sister and a best friend named Liam. He did not let go much but I got it, after all he only knew me for about 4 hours.

After dinner I got up and put the plates in the dishwasher. The Earl had followed me and was watching what I was doing.

"Should I give you that tour?" He asked me when I put the last plates in the dishwasher.

"Sounds like a plan." I followed him through the endless halls full of rooms and was sure that this tour will not be my last until I know it all.

At one point we walked through what seemed to be a secret tunnel, "why are we going here?"

He looked around, "that's shorter."

"Who made it?" I admit I'm pretty curious.

He sighed, "my grandfather had this castle from his father and there is a curse on it-"

I interrupted him, "is that why your husbands committed suicide?" When it came out of my mouth I immediately regretted, why did I say that? What is wrong with me?

I mentally facepalmed myself and guilt washed over me when the Earl looked me in the eyes. Sadness was seen in his eyes but soon enough replaced with anger, "I dont think that it's any of your business," was the only thing he said before he walked into a hallway, leaving me alone to explore the rest myself...


Sorry lads the updates are going a bit slow, but I rather have that and chapters I can be proud of then half finished chapters in 10 min.

Hope ya all like it! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Spread the love -N🦋

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