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Yeah I have an broken ankle so I think there will be many chapterssss woohoo! Well, I don't know if ya all are happy with that. 🤔😂

Any requests with more pets, kids, anything?!

(Personally I wanted to make a whole zoo, Harry has the space in that castle anyway 🤷‍♀️😂)

Okay lets begin!


It's a couple of weeks later and as always many things happened. I mean, you can guess that.

Harry and I got to learn more about each other and he took me on some dates inside the castle, since we can't go out.

It wasn't less fun, I loved it! He made dinner for us and we ate it on the couch in the 'cinema' room, as we call it.

He also teached me how to ride a horse, but that ended up with me having a concussion when Dite was eating a carrot and the horse saw that, jumped and didn't care about the fact I still sat on him.

But after all it was fun. Aphrodite still doesn't know about us, aka boyfriends but I think she already knows more then we think she does. I mean she's smart like me, don't blame her honestly.

We simply didn't told her yet since we wanted to see how it goes first, but Hazz and I had a talk yesterday and we agreed on telling her today.

I love to see how Harry is with Dite and I can see he really adores her. He loves to make cupcakes with her and even Harry acts like 4 when it comes to that. It was awfully quiet yesterday afternoon and when I entered the kitchen I saw why.

The whole kitchen was covered in flour and so were they.

From head to toe Harry was covered in glitter, even his hair. And Dite? same, but with unicorn candies.

I must say I couldn't get mad at them and together we laughed until we got a stomach ache.

I never thought I'd say it, but Harry is just the father figure Dite needed.

Of course she's okay with me, but an extra guy like hazz can't hurt.

I am now reading a book and hear footsteps coming in to which I see 2 mud covered toddlers.

And yes, I just called Harry a toddler. At first glance he looks like a serious businessman, but when it comes down to it and especially with Dite he is like a toddler and I love it.

He gently grabs Dite by her arms and places her on his back, making her giggle like crazy. "Hello love," he says and wants to kiss me but doesn't, giving me a knowing look.

"Aphrodite, daddy and Harry want to talk to you about something." I then say and she nods as Harry set her down.

She makes her way towards me and jumps onto my lap, making me groan and stick out my tongue due the mud smell. "What is it daddy?"

I glance at Harry and see him nod with a reasuring smile. "You know daddy told you multiple times that I only would get a man when he's really good for daddy?"

She smiles. "Yes! When he gives you flowers and candy right?" I chuckle. "Yes darling. Well daddy likes Harry very much and we are boyfriends now."

She looks at me and then at Harry, making me a bit worried and I can tell Harry feels the same but then she smiles and cheers. "Yay! Hazzie daddy's boyrend!"

I laugh. "Boyfriend, love."

She waves it off and then walks to where Harry is sitting. "You are nice to daddy, but be a meanie and bun-bun bites you!"

Harry fake gasps. "I make sure I won't be a meanie love, I like your daddy very much."

She giggles and hugs him. "Good, I like daddy too." I smile seeing them being adorable.

"You like me too, Dite?" Harry then asks and I roll my eyes, already knowing the answer.

She pretends to think. "If we make cookies, yes!" We all laugh and I stand up. "You guys can, but first a bath!" They both groan but follow me upstairs anyways.

I smile and feel happy, a feeling I can get used to...


Dite is so cute! Can we get 10 votes?

More, new followers maybe as well?

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