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"You may kiss the groom"

Harry and i lock lips and i realise, were married! Were not only bonded even more now, the curse also broke!

I look at my husband and smile, he's looking so handsome. He's wearing a black suit with a dark blue tie and red shoes. His hair is messy and curly as ever, but it makes him adorable.

I am wearing a dark blue suit with a white tie and black shoes, kinda matching with Harry. Liam and Niall are both dressed in black and our flower girl, Dite is wearing a beautiful white dress with a dark blue bow.

She's so cute with the little braids in her hair which Niall managed to make somehow. Mary is also here and she's dressed like Dite. She arrived two nights ago, one night afyer Niall and Liam.

Its a small wedding but very beautiful and the ring is georgeous. After hearing them all clap we pull away from the kiss and sit down for some cake.

I talk with all the people and Mary and i have a conversation about the baby. Harry and Niall are drinking some coke and laughing their ass off about something Niall once said.

Niall is playing with Dite and our new cat, JoJo. Dont ask me where she got that name from, we don't know but it suits the orange-white cat.

She is six months old and the cat from Niall's nephew, who had a bunch of baby kittens. Dite was in love with the cat so we told him we would take her home.

Erin is in the tower dressed like Dite and Mary. We decided to let lock her up cuz we don't know how she will react to new people, people who aren't Harry, me or Dite. She has a open window tho, so she waves at us and we can talk that way.

We also introduced Dite to Erin a while ago. She had the right to know and i also know she won't do any harm to our daughter so its fine. I think they are getting along well, seeing they play together much and ask where the other is.

Since harry told me about her i join them on their daily walks and talk with her about anything and everything. She's like Harry, very sweet and with a golden heart.

It makes me sad she is broken, but im positive we can change that.

Im 24 weeks along now so were getting closer to the due date. Its almost September 28 also, also known as Aphrodite her birthday. My little girl will be 5 soon, time flies.

I still remember it as yesterday that she was walking around in diapers and wanting to be lifted up. Or how Niall was babysitting and the carrots were found on the ceilling.

I almost cry seeing how quick she is growing up. "What's wrong love?" Harry asks me and i bury my face into his chest "Dite will be 5 soon, i dont want her to grow up"

I can feel him smile "don't worry darling, she will grow up but always will be our little girl." I nod and wipe away my tears "your right, my hormones make thoughts like this harder" i chuckle.

"Shall we lift the mood by a dance?" He asks for my hand and i take it, interwining our fingers "take me to the dancefloor"

We dance till our feet hurt, talk till our throat is dry and have fun till our eyes close. Its a amazing day...


Not edited, im tooooo lazy hahah

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