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I walked through the corridors. Mary had left on her way to home with the last carriage two hours ago.

It was fine for her but knowing that that is the last carriage to go home in the near future scares me somehow.

Just the idea that I'm stuck here with a man who is rumored to have killed his husbands doesn't seem like the ideal lifestyle for a 20 year old.

I look again at the list that had been pressed into my hands just a few minutes before Mary left. It was not very much compared to what I had done sometimes, but it worked out because Niall is coming to bring Dite here every moment and I don't intend to let her wander around here every day while I'm cleaning and cooking.

She has a future ahead of her and I don't want her looking at her childhood and thinking 'I was there in that old castle while my father cleaned all day' because God knows how long we'll be here.

Niall might not be visiting that often either, he has to catch up on work because he hasn't been there in recent days due to babysitting Aphrodite.

Fortunately, he is his own boss and will, despite the 3 hours of travel time, probably want to bother to leave his restaurant for what it is and come to visit us.

I sighed and looked outside. After a while Niall his car got in sight. I saw Aphrodite waving at me from the back seat.

I watched Niall help her out of the car seat and how she ran over to me. "Daddy!" she yelled with a big smile on her face.

I lifted her up and turned her over. "Hello little monkey," I laughed.

She pouted, "I'm not a little monkey!"

I kissed her on the forehead, "my little monkey." That moment Niall came to us and made a group hug of it. "Hello hedgehog, nice to see you again." I rolled my eyes. Someone once said at a party that I looked like a hedgehog, but that man was drunk as hell.

It certainly seems like Niall can't let go of the name and likes to tease me with it.

"Nice to see you too, irish idiot." He smiled and patted my shoulder.

I looked at him seriously, "did she behave?" Now he rolled his eyes as Dite did the same. "Young lady, dont roll your eyes at me." She giggled and I couldn't help laughing myself, she had that from me, the sassy behavior.

"I always behave Daddy! It's always fun with Uncle Niall!" I looked at my best friend and saw him nod, as a sign that she had been okay.

Of course I called her every day and before bed not to forget, but still I couldn't resist asking Niall.

I held her on my hip and Niall walked with us to the door, a few suitcases in his hand. He gave me the gray one with a football sticker that Dite once stuck on it. "This is yours, or would you rather have the pink one?" He pointed to Dite's pink barbie suitcase.

I playfully slapped him, "thanks mate, for everything."

"That's what best friends are for, lou. Don't worry and don't forget to call me!"

We said our goodbyes and waved at him until he disappeared from view.

"Shall we meet the Earl?" I asked the sleepy girl on my hip.

She yawned but said nothing so I decided it was enough for her for the day and put her to bed.

I took her to the room next to mine and put her on the bed I had already made.

It was not much and there was not much except a small bookcase, drawer, wardrobe, and bed.

I closed the curtains and kissed her cheek, "sleep well monkey." I put her suitcase in the same room and decided to turn on the baby monitor, in case I was somewhere but not around her, the castle is so big after all.

I turned on her night light and left the room on my way to Earl's office, not knowing what was waiting for me...


'Ello people! As always I hope you liked this chapter!

Any questions?

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