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"Louuuuu! I told you to be ready in 8!" Harry yells from downstairs.

I tie my shoelaces. "Coming already!"

Harry told me he wanted to take me on a date. It is in the garden, because well, we cannot leave, but that doesn't matter, his company is enough.

Dite will be in the yard as well so we can keep an eye on her.

I walk down the stairs. "You look stunning, love." He takes my hand and interwines our fingers.

"You look handsome," I tell him and call Dite.

We walk to the garden. I'm a bit nervous, because I want to tell him something now I'm sure we will be alone for a couple of hours.

I wanted to break this news for a while already but every time were interupted. isn't it this then it is the phone that rings.

But now I have to do it. When we are in the garden we sit under a small dome that Harry once built there, that's what he told me.

We talk and eat what I had brought in the picnic basket.

"I want to discuss something with you Harry, rather tell," I then announce.

"Sure, go on," he tells me.

"Well you know I sometimes call Niall when you are discussing things with Liam from work?"

Liam is Harry's best friend I've seen on facetime. What Niall is to me, Liam is to Harry.

"Yes?" he answers.

"Well I called him a while ago about Erin and explained the story. I eh hope you don't mind?"

He shakes his head. "It's your best friend, he may know. As long as you don't tell someone else and ask me next time."

He takes my hand and gives it a little squeeze.

"So Niall is a doctor as you know and he knows some people from abroad and there is a doctor named Mr. Blaze who has a daughter who, just like Erin, had a traumatic experience with the eh side effects? That Erin has." His eyes widen.

"And? Can he help my sister?"

"He should come here to do that, but he can't. That's why I thought of something.

You told me you don't really like all your 6 guys right? As in love? " He shook his head.

"Harry sorry but I have to ask this, did your mother love your father and vice versa?"

His mouth is wide open now and I can see he realizes where this is going.

"They didn't, not completely. My father had to marry her because he became heir to the throne. He liked her of course and maybe a little love was added, but not the big picture."

I nod and he continues. "So you're saying that because I do love you, in a different way than has ever happened here, we must be able to break the curse when we get married," he finishes and I nod again.


"Erin knew this, Louis, she had to! She no longer had faith in men, but also because they did not make me completely happy..."

I hug him and feel tears falling on my coat, but I don't care. It's overwhelming for him, of course.

Soon he may be able to take a step out of the castle territory, after all these years.

"You're great Louis, we now know how to solve this. At least I think so."

"We never know for sure, but whatever happens we will go through it together."

He nods and kisses me, something we do often as you see. But were just so happy, you can't even blame us.

"So after we get married Dr. Blaze can come here and see Erin?" He asks me and I nod.

He grins and stands up. "Then its good I already planned to ask you this," he says and kneels. I gasp realisering what's happening.

"Louis William Tomlinson, would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

I jump into his arm. "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" He spins us around and Dite walks towards us. "Here papa," she gives him a little box.

"Thanks love," he smiles at her and opens it. In it there is a gorgeous, diamond ring to be seen. He slips it onto my finger. "I love you, fiancé"

"I love you too, soon to be husband," I smile and hear something behind me. I turn aroud and see Erin, who also has a smile on her face.

"I invited her here, all the people we love excluded Liam and Niall. I thought that was the last thing I could do for this amazing moment."

"I have no words for it Harry, really."

"And you ma'am, you didnt told me this?" I point at Dite. She giggles. "Suprise suprise!" We all laugh, even Erin.

As long as Harry’s next to me, I can go through everything...


The rings 💍

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The rings 💍

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