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I turn around and face harry's back. I look at the clock, groaning when i see its 4 in the morning.

I can't sleep. Our little bugger keeps on kicking me and its not a nice thing to feel to be honest.

I stand up and rub my eyes, deciding to get some water in the kitchen. I walk downstairs and see our butler, Jonathan sitting on a chair in the kitchen.

That's right, we have a butler. When we oficially were boyfriends, Harry told me i didn't had to work around the castle anymore.

I insisted so we did it together but now im almost due with our lil one we thought its smart to hire a butler.

Now we can do it since the curse is lifted, before Harry couldn't hire staff.

"Hello Mr. Tomlinson, may i help you?" He says and stands up. I shake my head "just wanted to get some water, and call me Louis please" i tell him and grab a cup.

Jonathan is in his early thirties and a nice lad. He's not really a talker, but friendly somits cool. Dite also took a likening to him, so we agreed and hired him.

I start feeling a pain in my lower stomach and wince. Jonathan immediately is by my side "everything alright Louis?" He asks me and i nod.

"I think im going to get Mr. Styles" he says and before i can protest he's gone. I bend over a bit and sigh, the baby can't come yet right? Its too early!

"You hafta sit there for one month longer bug" i say and feel another pain shooting through my stomach.

Harry ran downstairs "your alright my love?" I shake my head "no" i cry and then feel something leaking by my private areas.

I look down "Harry?"

"Yes lou?"

"My water just broke....."


From that moment on everything goes very quickly. Dite stays at home with Jonathan and Harry takes the bag with all the stuff.

he picks me up and carries me to the car "Harry" I say and look into his eyes anxiously. he takes my hand and starts the car "shh it will be fine, don't worry"

I nod and he drives us to the hospital. once there I am rushed to a room and it is shown how far the access is.

"Wait a little longer, Louis" says a nice nurse who just brought me some water.

I cling to Harry "I'm scared" I whisper.

he gives me a kiss "I get that, babe. But soon enough we'll have a beautiful daughter, so this is worth it, isn't it?"

I nod and smile through the pain, he's right.

the following hours are hard and labor continues.

hours later I have my little princess in my arms after Harry cut the umbilical cord and checked if she is healthy, which luckily she is.

"our little girl" Harry sighs and grabs her little finger with his hand.

"she is so beautiful" I say and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"she's got your hair" says Harry and I nod. she has straight hair as far as visible.

then she open her eyes "she's got your eyes hazz" I say and I swear I'm in love with the little one.

"she's adorable" he sighs and so we continue, our eyes not leaving her face.


"Harry" its a couple of hours later and i just woke up from a nap.

"Yes my love?" He says, looking at our daughter which is cuddling into his arms.

"Her name" i say and he smiles, looking up at me.

"Tell me what you chose darling" he says and i nod "Capriëlle" i say and see his eyes turn even more green "beautiful" he whispers.

"Capriëlle Wendy Styles" he whispers and i smile "Wendy, wonderful middle name"

He gives me a kiss "a wonderful name for a wonderful girl..."


500 readers woohoo! Thankyou all lads!

Capriëlle is born! 😍

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