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"Harry im going to sleep, yea?" I ask my fiancé who's playing a game with Dite.

Im tired often lately and i don't like it. Simply cuz im that type of a person who wants to do many things on a day. But as you see, i can't at the moment.

I tried it though, but in the end Harry carried me to bed and locked the door from the outside so i had no choice.

In the begin i was angry at him for that, but now im thankfull since i fell asleep every time he did that.

Harry looks up and nods "sleep well darling, i will take care of Dite" i smile "i know you will"

"Dite give daddy a kiss? He's going to take a nap" Harry tells her and immediately she stands up "kissy!" She yells and i want to scold her for yelling, but she does it cause she's exited and happy so i let it slip.

She gives me a kiss and goes back to playing. I peck Harry's lips and walk upstairs. I really cant wait till our boo here is, even tho i like it this way also...


"Harry i want to talk to you" i say and sit down next to him. He was working in his office and doing god knows what.

"Sure" he says and puts away the papers which he had in his hands. "Well lately i noticed Dite is kinda lonely. Now you know she loves to play alone and has no problem with it, but i still dont like it" i explain.

"I get you but i thought since we will get married soon we will be out anyway and she can make some more friends. She also doesn't need to be home schooled by you any more so she can make friends at school or some" he says and i nod.

"I know that but since we can't leave the castle behind the second we are officially married i like to get her a pet, i don't know your opinion about that".

He nods "hm yea that sounds good. Money isn't a problem and when were moving we can take the pet with us, but she already has Bubbles and Bun-Bun, wont she forget about them?"

I think for a moment "well she is too young to take care of them properly so i will do that and with one pet more or less it wont be a too big issue i guess" i shrug.

"And i always can help you out" he smiles and i return it. "What kind of pet were you thinking about?" He then asks.

"A cat, it doesn't have to be out like daily like a dog and its a child friendly pet"

"Sounds good" he says and pulls me towards him, making me sit on his lap.

"Shall i look for a cat then?" I nod "yes please"


"Nialler!" I yell and attack him with a hug

"Payno!" Harry yells and does the same.

"Hello mates, ready to get married?" Niall asks and ruffles my hair, making it messy.

"As ready as i will ever be" i smile. Liam stretches out his hand for me to shake "hello Louis, im Liam but you already knew that i suppose" he chuckles.

"How are you lad?" I ask him and we talk for a bit while Niall catches up with Harry. We go to the livingroom and sit down. Then Dite comes in "Uncle Ni" she jumps on Niall's lap and kisses his cheek

"Hello monkey, how are you?"

"Good uncle Ni! I have a new papa now!"

He chuckles "i know lil one, you told me on facetime, remember?"

"Oh yes! I told you daddy has a baby in tummy!" They all laugh, she's too cute.

"Oh yes, louis. Congrats, you too bro" liam says and pats harry's shoulder. "Thanks mate"

"Ni boyfriend?" Dite asks and i scold her "that's not very polite to ask love"

"Sowwy" she says and i kiss her forhead "its alright bug, yes this is Liam, my boyfriend" niall says and Dite climbs off his lap, going to liam.

She pokes his cheek "ello uncle Liam!" He laughs and doesn't seem to have a problem by her naming him uncle "hello Dite, how old are you?"

She tells him how old he is and rambles about her toys. She also warns him about the fact that he hurts Niall he will get bitten by the rabbit.

What a cute lil girl do we have....


Not edited yet! So grammar mistakes can be in it, but im only human so 🤷‍♀️😂

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