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When I was on my way to the kitchen, I noticed that the air felt a bit thicker, like something was going on.

shrugging my shoulders I walked on, my thoughts will slowly drive me crazy, after all, quite a lot has already happened and I am tired.

I turned the corner and was shocked, a girl was walking there.

She had brown hair like the Earl and the same green eyes. She wore a white dress that reached her ankles.

I let out a cry and saw our eyes cross before she disappeared through the wall.

I ran to the wall and pounded on the stones, how did she get through it?! there was not a single opening.

Just then I saw the Earl running towards me with a worried look in his eyes, "everything okay, Louis? I heard you screaming."

I nodded and rubbed my face with my hands, "I eh don't feel well, it must have been that."

He put his hands on his shoulders, "you are indeed a bit pale, let me walk to your room."

"B-but your food," I stammered.

He shook his head, "don't worry about that, I'll make something with the help of Aphrodite, at least if you're okay with that?"

I was too surprised at everything to think carefully and said yes, I somehow trusted him with her.

He brought me to my room and sat next to me while I dozed off. "Sorry Louis, I didn't know it would bother you too but don't worry, I will protect you and your daughter," was the last thing I heard before I fell into a restless sleep, dreaming about the girl...

4 hours later

I woke up feeling much better, but the girl was still on my mind. Who was she? Was she even real? I wasn't crazy.... right? I'm sure I saw her.

I wasn't actually scared to be honest, curious more likely. I remember the words the Earl told me before I fell asleep I will protect you and your daughter

Protect from what? Or who? My mind gave me a headache. I think I wasn't even suposed to hear the words of the Earl, he must have thought I was asleep already. It made me feel safe though, despite everything.

I walked to the livingroom and saw a adorable sight. The Earl and Aphrodite were sitting on the carpet, both with a colouringbook in front of them. Dite was quietly giggling about the things the Earl was telling her.

I didn't even knew the guy his name and my heart was fluttering. Was this love? It cant be, I dont even know much about him. Love at first sight? Ugh I'm overthinking and it doesn't make my headache any better.

I walk towards them, and announce my presence by clearing my throat. "Oh hello, Louis. Feeling better?" I give them a small smile. "Yes, thanks for watching Dite when I was sleeping."

He waves it off, "no need to thank me, she's a lovely girl." Aphrodite gives me a hug, "daddy look! Hazzie and I coloured unicorns! And he gave me ice cream!"

"That's great honey, but its a bit rude to call him Hazzie, love."

She pouts, "he told me I could! Right Hazzie?" The Earl now stands up, "That's right. Louis I think we need to throw the formal stuff a bit out, I also call you Louis after all," he smiles at me.

I nod, "alright then Hazzie." He chuckles, "it's Harry, but she sticks with Hazzie I see," he ruffles Dite her hair and I can't feel but feel my heart beat faster by his gestures.

I giggle, "alright, Harry. It's a pleasure calling you that." I wanted to say it rolls off my tongue nicely, but decided against it.

"It's a pleasure having you and your daughter here, Louis."


I know, I know I'm slow with updating 😂 but as I always say better wait and have a amazayn chapter then quick and blehhhh!

Larry fluff is so cute!

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