Weeks have come and gone now, it seemed almost too fast, and 'fast' is one word that I loved and hated as well.
It felt strange going back to school after I've been homeschooled for quite a long time now, especially after the 'life-changing events' that have been popping off and on the last few weeks.
Everything seemed calmer now, including that of the students and teachers. It's as if a burden was lifted off everyone's shoulders.
Julius and I seem to have already made up and gotten closer, but not very close in letting out the cat out of the bag. Hahaha, get it?
Okay, I know I'm not the best jokester, and not the fun person either, but I can't help it sometimes. And now about my parents...hmm, that's quite a different story if you ask me, but miraculously, their heads are cool now. Though they're still not on good terms, you could see some improvements in their relationship.
And Alexander...?
His name alone could send all manner of feelings within me.
It's hard seeing him during the weekends now, it's like he just vanished out of the thin air, but I'm guessing he's occupied with so much stuffs. Although he texts me during his leisure time, he always seem to be double-minded, I just hope he's doing great!
And Minuet?
I still didn't know what to do to the black cat that's currently curled up on my laps. We just departed from the funeral chapel, where we paid one last visit to the woman I had always loved and respected.
He has been motionless and utterly silent throughout the journey ever since he laid on my laps. Maybe he's just stressed out from everything that's going on?
Sometimes, he would dig his clawed paws into my bare skin whenever he saw something that seemed unusual to him . I held myself from flinching from the impact, not that it was his fault...I guess all this is just new to him as a non-human.
My mum and dad believed my lie on how I came about Minuet; by the corner of an alleyway, where he was cowering in fear and frostiness. They permitted me to own him as my own and act like his cat fancier - a nanny for cats for some period of time.
Normally, they wouldn't have allowed me, oh no...they won't even give me a chance to explain myself out. I guess that was one of the advantages of my deceased grandma, it was indeed very cunning but simple.
Since Minuet was my only link and hope to Grandma's secret life as a sorceress, I had no chance but comply to all the rules he laid down for me. His identity wasn't known by anyone yet except me, it'd be best to stay low with him too.
Our mission wasn't accomplished either, and if you're wondering about my progress on my destined goal, it's going pretty crazy for me. I had no idea that cats could be so grumpy and lazy! I had to do everything while he messes everything up again with that puckish smile of his!
I had every right to scold and punish him! I had every audacity to do that even though he was my tutor! But still, seeing him so small and squishy in his cat version is so....
"You missed her too, huh?". I whispered, staring at the still fur ball that is curled up neatly on my thighs. "Well, I missed her too".
When the fur ball didn't respond, I shifted my eyes elsewhere, as he was probably asleep or too tired to respond.
Jeez, so I'm the only one awake here?
I'm gonna have to get used to this hyperactivity soon...

Bewitch Me [Book 1 & 2, The Witch's Fate]
FantasyBeauty had a magical rose, Cinderella had a magical wand, Ariel had a magical necklace, Aladdin had a magical lamp, But young Isabelle had a strange musical box - not just any box, but one that came with bewildering powers. Forced to start a new lif...