Chapter Forty Eight - Not Once but Twice

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Isabelle's POV

We had already teleported back to my house thanks to my new skills, but that didn't still change the fact that a creep was stalking us and broke into the fortress. It's very shocking and disturbing, especially as this supernatural is trying to give us a message of warning.

Minuet didn't talk to me throughout the day and neither did I. None of us had a stable mind for any silly jokes or playing around. For all we knew, someone was trying to threaten us and as well bring us down without any trace or suspicions.

First suspicion, Xander Hunters. He can go to any length of hunting down his enemies to his gleeness or satisfaction but still, if he was the creep he'd have attacked or made a glorious entrance, which is so unlike him - which means, he's out of the list for now. But it's sort of strange because I don't remember having any friends or enemies except bullies and hunters.

If I really want to do all this training, It's just because I want to fulfill Grandma's wish and as well protect Minuet.

But how?

Looking over my shoulder, Minuet was sitting by the window sill, dangling his legs carelessly and swinging it back and forth.

He had a pale and tensed look on his face and his knuckles were clenched into fists. It was like he was battling with his mind and body at the same time.

We've not said a thing to each other even since we got back from the journey, though we searched through some ancient books in my library together.

"Stop blaming yourself for everything, will you?". I said, finally breaking the awkward tension in the air. "Yes, there's someone who's monitoring us...but we just need to gather up traces of the person without being caught".

He didn't answer but his body did - his ears twitched upwards and his tail swung to the side a bit at my voice.

"Stop talking to me...". He answered coldly, sadly playing with the strand of his hair. "Don't bring it up...not now...".

"That'd even make me want to talk to you more". I took a deep breath and walked to his side, staring at the stiff sulking neko. "We can't just ignore what happened back there you know...".

The silence he gave me finally made me sit besides him with a sad face. He was avoiding me because he thinks he was incompetent and not strong for me and that hurts.

"Why aren't you angry with me?". He mumbled, picking up a stone. "I'm a demon with no emotions and defending skills. All the spells I've done so far had been somehow weakened by this stalker".

"Don't you say that again, what do you think Grandma would say if she heard that?!".

"None of this is your fault...You're not an emotionless demon either...we-".

"What if I wasn't with you and you got killed, then would it be my fault?". He hissed and turned his face from me immediately. His statement had different meanings - but one sentence which was heartbreaking - he wasn't going to try anything funny, right?

"Minuet, you've saved me not once...but twice, remember?". I placed my hands on his and stroked his palm with my thumb to calm him down. It was one of the gestures I noticed...that calms him down both as a cat and his human form.

"You clearly teleported us earlier, I did nothing". He replied in a harsh tone. "Those times...those times are in the past!".

"Who saved me when Xander was about to find out my true identity and enslave me?".

He kept silent before groaning. "Stop it...".

"Who also saved me when I was about to die in the so-called prom?".

His silence this time made me more relieved than upset. I'm glad he's finally got it into his head.

"See? Stop worrying about little mistakes, Minuet. Everything's gonna be fine, I mean it. I'm sure Grandma would be very proud to know how far we've gone in this quest".

"Now look at me and tell me you're okay". I demanded and stared at the pale figure.

"Minuet...". I added angrily when no effort was being made to turn at me, but he still didn't care or listen and kept throwing stones into the pool below our dangling legs.

I slid my hands from his and placed it on his warm cheeks, turning his face slightly to my direction. A small gasp left my lips when his face was gleaming wet.

H-he was...he was crying?!

Minuet was goddamned crying?!

He didn't shout or try to move away like earlier, but instead he stared at me with a helpless look in his eyes.

"Minuet...please stop crying". I held my urge to tear up as well and wrapped my arms around his chest. I didn't care if he was an animal or whatever, I cared that he was my saviour and that meant everything to me. "Seeing you this way makes me very weak, and you know that".

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep to my words. I just...Alexis gave me a strong reason to protect you but here I am, not being competent for that". He whispered lowly as his chin rested on my shoulders. "This is not the first but second time I could not-".

"Shhhh, don't say that again or I'd make you regret it". I cut in, in a gentle tone and nudged our noses with a forced smile.

"I'd protect you just like you protect me Minuet...and I mean it". I confessed and looked into his beautiful green eyes. For some reason, I blushed while doing that, but didn't make it obvious.

"Thank you". He answered with a sigh, leaning his head against my shoulders with his eyes closed.

"Meh, don't thank me...I'm doing my job, I guess". I chuckled and raised my eyebrows in surprise when I felt his chest began to rise and fall slowly. "M..minuet?".

He's sleeping like this?!

On me?!

Of course he would...

"I guess we'd take care of things when we wake up then". A smile came on my face as I brushed some strands for hair from his face before shutting my eyes as well.

"Nighty night, Chat Noir". I whispered as the cool breeze of the latter day kissed our skins, compelling me to shut my eyes and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

It's time to face them as my true self.

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