Chapter Thirty Four - We all make mistakes

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"Ugh, so everything really happened!? But why was Xander attacking me? And who the hell is Foxy to you?!". I hissed at the figure that was now walking away from me. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?".

He always puts me on the dark side and leaves me to do everything by my self, and at the end- still benefits from everything!

I threw the bed covers away from my pale waist line and jumped down on my feet to confront him, but ended up stumbling against the side of my bed, groaning in pain from the crucial cuts.

"Why did you move? Don't you want to recover?". He raised his eyebrows with a surprised look and crawled to me, supporting me by the waist as I clung to few things with my right leg.

Oh, now he wants to help.

"Ouch, you're hurting me more". I snapped, trying to make him get to leave me in my misery- but it backfired.

He sighed and grabbed me by the arm. "Stop being so troublesome and let me heal you already!".

I nodded quickly and looked to the side with a sad look- not because of what he said, I was used to that, but because of how far I went- to push both of us into a danger zone.

I wanted my first magical experience to be that of Cinderella and other lucky girls- instead, I ended up not only revealing my powers to the dangerous ones out there, but as well put minuet's life at risk. Maybe grandma made a mistake choosing me and not Minuet. Minuet would be very good for this job, whereas I'm a mess and a mess alone.

Tears trailed down my chin at some more hurtful words and voices ringing in my head. I wanted to be a witch only to avenge my grandma's death and be the player in this game- but it ended up to be me who got played.

Minuet stared at me in shock and reached out for my face to clean my tears. I'd be not surprised if he read out my thoughts or expressions. After all this, he still wanted to help me out and be by my side. I really don't deserve him as a familiar.

"Forget about my''re fine and that's all that matters now. I didn't want everything go this way". I mumbled with small hiccups and wrapped my arms around him. "I thought for a moment you'd disappear for good".

Surprisingly, he didn't budge, but let out a sigh and allowed me to sink into his warm soft sleeved shirt.

"I'm not a human, what did you expect?". He whispered gently behind my ears with a soft smile. "Besides, I've got nine lives- thanks to my feline side".

"Nothing would happen!". I groaned and pulled away, collapsing into my bed when he mentioned things related to that of death. Anything relating to death was going to make me puke.

"Just have some rest and let nature do it's work. Don't ask me any more questions.".

"What about using magic to-".

The silent glare he gave me made me realise that it was my magic that put us in this mess and I nervously sprang my fingers through my hair.

"Since you're still enthusiastic on using magic, how about making a plan on taking down that hunter already!". He hissed and walked away from my side angrily. "Stop trying to ignore the fact that he's a hunter and do something about it!".

"I...I...still can't believe he's a h-hunter, it's so hard to take in". I shook my head in so much disgust and surprise. "Which kind of a pyscho has the audacity to make his last name his species!?".

"I warned you but no, you convinced me to come along with you. I warned you that these maniacs are all over this city that you should stay with me at the-".

"I-I get it! You don't have to yell at me, I'm trying to be what a teen would be using can't just scold me! How was I even supposed to know how to sense him and he sense me as well!".

"Don't be so dramatic now, witch hunters aren't also humans...they've special abilities too". He rolled his eyes. "And one of them is to sense magic around them".

"Even though Xander and I aren't in the same level, he always came by! How was I supposed to know, Minuet?! He never did anything that said 'knock knock I'm a witch hunter trying to get you do some shit that'd get me to you!' and he's just some years away from me too...he was a-all nice and...". I slammed my fist besides me at how he was pressurizing me with all the faults, and wanted to mention how generous and kind Xander was- but my throat won't just say those words.

Deep within me, I started to panic and feel where the fault were coming from- me. Although everything were clear now, I couldn't just believe he wasn't the Xander I used to know all these while. He was a snake with cunny intentions.

"Don't you get it? Not everyone that seems perfect and nice is a knight- he might be nice to you humans, but not your species".

I looked besides him silently as he said those words to me. He didn't have to be so harsh on me, but yet he is.

"If one of them spots you and captures you, you either subject or submit to them- or you die".

You either submit to them or you die-

That statement forced me to look up at Minuet who as well was looking at me with a gentle look in his eyes from my reaction.

"Isabelle, I'm sorry...I'm sorry that it's my part of my fault. I never expected him to turn out being a hunter and would've sensed that as well, I mean that's what a familiar does...I came too late. I just don't want to...think about what would have happened if we didn't escape".

His sudden apology shook me with shock and left me dumbfounded. Never had he apologised or admitted his wrongs all the while he had been with me, and now this?

He didn't even look at me as he apologised, and here I was, thinking it was my fault and all that, which sort of still is.

"Hey, it's okay, we're both at faults here...". I said with a small smile and placed my hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "We all make mistakes".

"But what you're saying is...he...he doesn't know it's me Isabelle? And uhm...he won't hurt a human?". I asked, hoping it'd be a yes that'd be the answer to my question.

"They think humans can't hurt anyone and aren't dangerous like other things out there- you know, some things out there who aren't humans...". His tail didn't curl as it used to before, but dropped to the floor and his eyes weren't the bright green eyes anymore. Everything about him radiated regret, anger and coldness.

"Minuet..". Sadness washed over me as he said those words, if you listen carefully you'd understand what he really meant.

"Haven't you ever wondered why your grandma kept me as a hostage?". He laughed bitterly and looked outside the balcony.

"True true, I've a lot but didn't dare to ask...I'm ready to listen now Minuet- what happened back then? Tell me the thing that you're not telling me. You trust me, don't you?".

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