Chapter Fifty Five - Destroy

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Slowly, I started getting conscious of myself and my surroundings and when I did, I screamed in horror-


No no no..

"M-minuet?". I whispered in disbelief at the weakened figure before me.

"How did I get here?! W-why! What-".  Before I could finish asking more questions, Minuet's body collapsed into mine like it was in a sort of captivity?

"Thank you". He choked out the words with a tearful smile and closed his eyes for a while.

Thank you?

For what?!

Is he dead!?

Don't think negative and help him!

It was now then everything that happened came pouring into my mine freshly.

H-he trusts me enough to be his friend...

He didn't let me go because he knew I cared for him...


"Minuet! Wake up you lazy kitty!". I cried bitterly on his chest and tried performing one or two appeasing spells for his healing to be faster.

Not that he's dead.

But without my magic, our magic, he would be.

I needed him before and now he needs me.

Hours passed and it looked like my magic was worthless. What was worse was the bloody sight of the guy in my arms laying peacefully in his own pool of blood.

It was almost 4am and the sun was peeping from the end of the streets and Minuet still didn't wake.

Please wake up-

I'd kill myself if you don't-

I mean it-

"If you never wake up I'd never forgive myself kitty". I sobbed out the words on his chest, only for his hands to rub my back in a soothing way.

"Don't think too much". His voice came out weaker than his normal tone but he started to look better.

In tears of relief and happiness I wrapped my arms around his body, pressing my tear stained face into his chest for comfort.

His hands were also around my waist line but unlike other times I didn't mind this time.

"Do you know how much you scared me, I thought were-".

"But here I am...I didn't die or anything". He gave me a sweet grin and pinched my cheeks teasingly.

I gasped as the tip of his sleeves and his face started glowing in an unsteady manner, almost like he was reviving again.

I let out a soft laugh against his warm sleeves.

"Now we're on to...operation find the witch". His smile darkened.

"I'd destroy them Minuet...every one of them..".



"We'll destroy them".

A smile forced it's way to my smile and I nodded in agreement.

"I'm ready Minuet... I'm ready to be like my grandma full time now. No more more secrets".

He grinned.


Why would the person want me to meet him or her outside..

At that time of the night...


Could the person be the same person that'd been stalking us and had ransacked my Grandma's house?

It could be.

The jerk had the guts to make me almost kill someone too!

"Isabelle?". A voice besides me made me jolt back to reality.

I and Minuet had set out that afternoon once school was over and stayed around the premises to be conscious of the stalker.

You never know who's watching...

We waited and waited and waited.

"Thanks for going out with me". An unknown text suddenly beeped in my mobile phone.

I and Minuet exchanged looks before I had the guts to check out the message.

Just that word 'out' I already became suspicious of the message.

Another message beeped in.

"It meant a lot to me really...can't wait to see you soon again Isabelle".
Julius xx

"Sure, what are friends for?". I texted back with a small smile.

When I turned, I could see Minuet giving me a whole different look. Nothing about his looks seemed playful.

"Don't give me that look Minuet, she just wanted to thank me for allowing her back into my life". I explained with a frown.

He face palmed with a frown. "Who do you think it is then?".

With a deep sigh, I fidgeted with my left hand before coming up with an answer.

"Maybe this person's playing a dirty game of revolving around people we know? Who knows?".

"Just follow me...". He cut in in a disappointed voice and shifted into his cat form, before running back into the school.

"Hey why do you always make me feel like a fool?!....and he's walking away from me".

Looking left and right, I followed him briskly into the school compounds only for us to find out that-

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