Chapter Sixteen - Grandma's gone?

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"Don't! ". I hissed.

"Isabelle...". She pulled me into a comforting hug which I couldn't resist in a moment like this---and ended up being in her arms.

My parents on the other hand were unusually silent and had long faces. I can't believe that was the last time I'd ever get to see my grandma again--- even if it was just some kind of vision or reverie.

"Grandmaaa...". I cried out loud, with tears trailing down my reddened puffed cheeks. It's over three hours that the news was broken out to me and I hadn't stop crying. What hurts more is that no one knows the source of her death except me. Magic had done this to her. I don't know what she really did but I know that she had done something that cost her her life. Something that was forbidden or abominable.

Julius and some of the other 'sympathizers' who cared had followed us in my parent's vehicle, for consolation of my-


Late grandma.

It was like the world disappeared from within my reach---as my only source of support and answers to my questions were all gone. Now, who was going to train me on this mess I've gotten myself into?

I hated everything that was going on around me---believe it or not...I never wanted this in the first place, even though it was my Grandma's wish. I'm not the best option for this position. I know nothing about white magic or black magic.

I somewhat blamed my parents because they always tore me away from her reach with stupid excuses. The only way for her to meet me was in a show you how far these jerks went. I'm sure she'd have taught me everything I needed to know since.

"She...she's really gone?". I suck my bottom lips to calm myself down at the urge to bawl myself out. "Tell me this is part of a dream I'm still stuck in!".

"It's okay Isabelle...". Julius whispered behind my ears, making me snuggle in her more. "I'm still here for you---we all are".

"So hard-..". I sniffled out, feeling the inside of me weaken minute by minute. "-to take in....".

If losing someone valuable is what it's got to take to be a magical girl--or a sorceress-- or whatever they call it, then...

I quit...

It's even more difficult for me. Just why?

No one to trust and confide what's going on in my life-

-not even Julius or my parents...

Thanks to my heavy eyes, tear-stained face--- and already-forming dark circles around my eyes, I already started to feel all sleepy of a sudden---and I indeed fell into a sleep before I knew it. It was all too sudden.

But this time, there was no connection between us like the one we had earlier, and that made me only ache more in hurt and pain at my loss. She really was gone.

But still-

-even from the dream....

A familiar scent of nature---particularly the woods--- reached my nostrils again, and fear of what the source might look like suddenly rose within me.

What's with this scent?

Why does my life always have to fall apart!?

???'s POV

"You've to show yourself right here when I die".

Those words rang as a bell in my head as a reminder of my oath to Alexis. Her death didn't only sadden me but it caused a big difference in my life. Even though she was too controlling, she was a big pile of sweetness. She was everyone's guardian angel despite their little mistakes.

"Do I really have to do this?". I snorted and watched closely as the Wintmans drove off from the school compound. "Well, I don't like playing games with the dead...I'd just go for it--- but at the right time and at the right place".

My body made a small sickening noise as I tapped on the enchanted pendant dangling on my neckline, magically transforming into one of my most comfortable form as an animal - the wolf. Lycanthropy is actually one of the God-given gifts that I'm proud of. (Magical ability to assume the characteristics of a wolf).

I pressed my paws into the soil to leave behind clear footprints. I needed to get everything I need for the ritual fast before the new moon arrives within the next three weeks. God knows the kind of danger that'd be lurking around during those hours.

"I've no other choice than to obey but-". I suddenly felt cringed--- almost like I was being watched. This has been going on for the past four weeks now and something tells me it's something that's going to change the course of history---the history of magic and supernaturals.

My eyes darkened when the realization hit me.


"Of course those scumbags are laying ambushes for me everywhere. First, they try to invoke me into their lair and now they're trying to stalk me everywhere I go. They never rest till they just meet their doom".

I could feel the adrenaline in my body aching for bloody baths--- but more of revenge and war. Thankfully, they could stalk me--- but they can't capture me. I'm forever grateful to Alexis for the restraint spell she cast on me--- though it came with few disadvantages.

I'm positive I masked my scent, how were they able to find out that I escaped? Only a werewolf could sniff out a werewolf.


I let out an angry growl when the answer hit me. Thrice, she had betrayed me now.

The fourth time she does anything that'd reveal my identity or put the kingdom in danger, I'd end her before she knows it.

I don't care if it's my mate, my ex-mate or whatever they call it. As far as I'm concerned, she's nothing to me and likewise the same. I'm even starting to wonder why she started calling us 'mates' all of a sudden---she was nothing but a refuge to me. I thought I had made myself clear about that. She's coming in my way the third time.

I hate things coming in my way. Anything that crosses my path carelessly needs to be destroyed.

"Destroy them". 

The words came clearly in my mind and I knew who it was. He was just as mad as I was---but it wasn't time yet.

An angry growl resonated from my chest as I rose my head with rage, confidence and pride. Confidence that would sure irritate those scumbags. Pride that they had managed to break long ago. I want all of them to have a taste of inferiority and pain---starting from the current hunters.

"I'd end them just like they ended my own pride. First, I'd carve out their soulless body like a halloween pumpkin—and feed it to the hungry reapers and banshees of the underworld."

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