The box

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All I here is the clanging of metal scraping against metal. I open my eyes but it's just dark, suddenly I feel the lift stop, I must have been moving. The light pours in and I have to shield my eyes from the sun. I'm surrounded by a whole bunch of guys! I jump out of the box push through the guys and start running. But it's too much, the lack of food, the intense light the shock. I can hear  the boys yelling but I can't make out what they are saying as my vision starts to blur and I feel the ground coming towards me. Just in time I role using up the last of my energy and just lay there. The last thing I remember before I completely black out are thin but strong arms lifting me up and whispering with a beautiful voice "hang in there, little runner,I got you now." And then this strange new place faded into black.

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