Chapter 2

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Mark drives everyone to Soobins house. All 5 friends parents have always gathered everyone Friday for dinner.

They all walk in.

"We're home!" Soobin yells. They find their moms cooking and their dads grilling some meat.

To which Soobin was eyeing.

"Have some fruit kids." Jeongin moms give them. They all dig in to the bowl of fruits.

"How was your History quiz Tzuyu?" Mark asked.

"Easy as always." She says popping a strawberry in her mouth.

"Well wasn't for me." Jeongin says sadly.

They all chuckle.

"You kids better get ready for dinner soon." Soobins mom says.

They all nod and start going to the living room but Jeongin trips.

Everyone laughs.

Mark was laughing hard until fire came out of his mouth everyone was shocked.

Mark covers his mouth.

"Did that fire just come out your mouth???" Ryunjin ask worried.

Mark just nods.

"How could that happen?" Soobin ask.

"Kids dinner!" Marks dad yells.

"Coming!" Jeongin yells back.

"Let's go guys. We'll sort this out later." Mark whispers to his friends.

Everyone digs in to the food and chit chatter.

When everyone finishes and the girls clean the plates.

"Kids can you guys go sit down in the living room?" Ryunjins mom orders the kids.

The kids look at each other but follow Ryunjins mom.

They all sit down.

"Are we introuble?" Soobin whispers.

"I don't know." Tzuyu says.

They eventually avert their eyes to Jeongin.

"What?" He ask innocent.

"You did something didn't you?" Ryunjin says crossing her arms.

"I didn't do anything. I swear." Jeongin hiss.

Then their parents come in the living room.

"Kids..." Marks mom trails off.

"Did we do something wrong?" Tzuyu ask.

"No sweetie, you guys didn't." Her mom says.

"We're here to talk about on what's happening." Soobins dad says.

"What do you mean by that?" Mark ask.

"It's time we told you guys about something."  Ryunjins mom starts.

They all look at their parents with confusion.

Suddenly there was a knock. Soobins mom gets it.

She opens the door.

"Headmaster." She greets him and he's with someone. Their guest go in.

"Headmaster." Their parents bow to the Headmaster.

"Headmaster?" Mark whispers to the others.

"By the way this is Jisoo." Headmaster introduces her to them.

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