Chapter 39

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The crew were all discussing things.

"We need to get the students to safety. We can't risk them in getting in danger." Headmaster says.

"Me and the professors will conduct a barrier spell to keep them safe." Doctor Jung says.

"How will we fight him?" Jimin ask.

"Lanex has many monsters with him. We can't fight them ourselves." Rm says.

"I'm sorry headmaster but we need the students. Together we can defeat him." Jisoo says.

Headmaster thinks.

"Not the kids though. They're too young." Headmaster explains.

They all nod.

They knew at some point this would happen.

The timing was just bad.

"Prepare yourselves." Headmaster tells his students.

They all nod.

Everyone looks at each other.

"Lanex is strong....there's not guarantee we can defeat him but we will work together." Jisoo begins.

"This is a tough battle....if some of us don't make it...just know you all made my life so great." Rm starts.

Some of them start tearing up.

"I've always wondered on how it felt to have a family..........thank you for giving me that feeling..." Jennie says tearing up.

V kisses her forehead and hugs her.

"When I first came here, my life was just boring and filled with all made me realize that there's more to life than it meets the eye......" Soobin says smiling while a tear escapes.

Ryunjin hold his hand.

"For so long I thought everyone was the same......I thought eventually they will leave me....but not once did any of you leave me..." Jisoo says smiling.

"I love you guys...." Jimin says as tears escape his eyes.

Everyone holds hands.

"Together....." Jin starts.

"Forever...." Everyone says tearing up.


Everyone prepared for the battle of their lives as they were about to fight one of them most evil gods there is.

The students and headmaster wait in front of the school waiting for Lanex and his army.

A black hole appears.


"How good it is to be out!" Lanex cheers while his monsters were behind him.

The students up their guard.

"Goblin, it's been awhile." Lanex smiles.

Goblin glares at him.

"Now....let the fight begin..." Lanex announce as both sides run towards each other.

Everyone was fighting using their supernaturals.

Jisoo cast a spell to kill the monster she was against.

Jin who was in Werewolf form rips the monsters in half.

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