Chapter 30

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I decided not to go to class. I didn't want to see anyone.

"Ryun I'm gonna go to the swamp near by. I'll be be back by 12pm." I tell her.

"Kay be careful!" She yells from the bathroom.

I take my book and journal then head out the academy.

I go through the field then the garden and arrive at the swamp.

I go through the field then the garden and arrive at the swamp

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I sit down on the deck.

I just breathe in the fresh air.

Peace. So wonderful.

I open my journal and write.

My dad gave it to me when I was 8. Since then I've kept and wrote in it every single day.

It makes me feel as if my dads still here.

God I wish he wash here.

I take out a photo from my journal  and it was a photo of me and him.

Since he died I promised I will do my best in school.

So far I've graduated high school and got accepted to University.

But well I ended up going to the Academy. But it feels like my dad wanted me to go here and I'm going to make him proud by being an amazing witch.

"I miss you so much ....." I say tearing up while looking at the photo.

I notice the swamps waters brush.

I look. Are there fishes here?

But I widen my eyes.

"Swamp monster........" I whisper.

I see a creature covered in dirt and plants.

I scream then start running but I suddenly see black.


"What monster are we dealing with exactly?" Mark ask.

"Well we're not too sure. We just know students go missing when they go to that swamp but never knew the reason behind it." Jin explained.

"Headmaster do you know?" Jungkook ask.

Headmaster looks through his books.

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