Chapter 16

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You know having the power to read minds and have super hearing can be good and bad. Good is that you get to know what people are actually thinking but bad is you get to know everyone's secrets. Some are kinda weird, creepy, and just plain why.

And lately I've been having bad feelings about Headmaster and Doctor Jung. I know something that probably only they know.

I was just walking in the hallway to go to the library and check out some books.

I suddenly hear voices. It's coming from Headmasters office.

I stop my tracks.

"Headmaster how long will you keep this from them?" A voice says which I believe is Doctor Jung.

"When the time is right." Headmaster tells her.

"Right time? Headmaster at this point no one is safe." Doctor Jung says.

"I'll eventually tell them the truth. I need to protect them and the keys." Headmaster says.

"Jeongin!" Soobin calls me making me snap out.

"Hey." I smile.

"You heading to the library too?" Soobin ask.

I nod.

"Let's head there together." He tells me and we start heading to the library.

Headmaster and Doctor Jung are hiding something. And what keys were they talking about?

Me and Soobin arrive at the library.

I pick out some books and Soobin too. We both sit at a table at the corner.

I've been keeping this thing I know for a long time. I need to tell someone. Soobin is very trustworthy.

I look at Soobin.

"Is something wrong?" He ask flipping through his book.

"Um well I've been meaning to get something off my chest." I say.

He looks and me and closes his book.

"I'm all ears." He tells me.

"Well you know how I can read minds and super hear?" I begin.

He nods.

"Well Headmaster and Doctor Jung are hiding something from us." I tell him.

Soobin widen his eyes.

"How though?" He ask.

"Well ever since the first monster incident till the recent one. We kept asking them both if they knew anything about them and they said no but their minds says other ways. They are hiding something. And earlier in the halls I overheard them about telling us the truth and keys?" I finish.

"Wow. Should we tell the others? Like the noonas and Hyung?" Soobin ask.

"I don't know." I say.

"Well just know this stays between us." Soobin tells me.

We just continue going through some books.


I was currently laying in bed watching on my laptop. You maybe wondering why I'm still in bed when I should be in class. Well I'm sick.

Jisoo Unnie told me to stay in bed to rest.

I pause my show.

"This is very boring." I sigh.

I hear a knock.

"Come in!" I yell.

The person opens the door revealing

"What are you doing here?" I ask rudely.

V just smiles.

"You need to take your medicine." V says.

"What do you mean medicine?" I ask glaring at him.

"You're sick right? So of course you need to take medicine." V says going to my bed.

"Wait why are you even here?" I ask him.

"Your Unnie asked me to take care of you." He says softly.


Wait Jennie snap out of it! He's an ungrateful asshole!

"I don't need your fucking care Kim Taehyung." I say stubbornly.

He just smirks.

"You know you shouldn't call me by my real name. Turns me on even more. Next time I might not hold my self back." He says coming closer to me.

I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I brought you some porridge. Jin Hyung made it for you." He says sitting down next to my bed.

I just look at him.

"Now say ahhhh." He motions the spoon to me.

I'm not a baby!

"I can feed myself thank you very much!" I snap taking the spoon from him and eating it.

I just eat quietly. And he just looks at me.

"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with your new seat mate ." I mutter looking down.

V just chuckles.

"I swear you really are jealous." He says smiling.

"I'm not!" I protest.

"Either way my plan worked." He says opening the medicine.


"What plan?" I ask.

"Well I wanted to see if you really did like me so my Hyungs suggested I make you jealous with Yura." He says then looks at me.

"Why would you do that?" I ask softly.

"Because I like you, Kim Jennie." With that he shoves the medicine in my mouth.


I just turn red.

"You're so cute." He pinches my checks.

Should I say I like him back?

"By the way, get ready by 8pm on Friday." Tells me fixing my stuff.

"What's on Friday?" I ask.

"Our date of course." He smiles then leaves my room.

"Rest up!" I hear him yell.

That asshole didn't even bother at least asking me.

"Oh Unnie that's so cute!" I hear a voice from the corner of the room.

"Rosè quiet!" Another voice.

I sigh.

These girls.

"You three better come out now." I say crossing my arms.

Jisoo Unnie, Rosè, and Lisa appear. They must did a disappearing spell.

"I can't believe you guys were spying on us!" I yell at them.

"Oh whatever! What's important you're going on a date!" Jisoo Unnie goes to me hugging me. Then the two maknaes join our hug.

I smile. How can I stay mad? Well for now.

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