Chapter 25

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"Unnie you look so pretty!"Chaeyoung exclaims.

I smile.

"Thank you Lisa and Jennie for picking out my outfit. I would've just went out with my pjs if anything." I chuckle.

They all smile.

We have a group hug.

Then we hear a knock.

"Wow it feels like yesterday we were sending Jennie Unnie to her first date and now we're sending you to your own Unnie." Lisa pouts.

We all laugh.

Jennie opens the door revealing Jin.

He widen his eyes upon seeing me.

"Oh my...." I hear his whisper while starring at me.

"Uh Jin?" I call him.

He snaps back to his senses.

"Oh right! Sorry! look gorgeous--no wait!-- thats Uh-I mean--SEOKJIN get it together!" Jin stutters to himself.

He's so cute! Usually Jin shows a cold serious look but this side i like this one better!

"Damn he whipped." I hear Lisa mutter but Jennie nudges her shoulder.

Jin just blush.

"I mean to say that words can't even describe how amazing you look right now." Jin says smiling.

I smile back.

"You look really handsome." I reply.

He smiles.

He offers his hand.

I take it.

"I'll bring her back by 8." Jin tells my members and they all nod and wave bye to me.


We're currently out the school gates since it's only 5:30 so we have time to go out to town.

Me and Jin walk to our destination.

"The movie theater?" I question.

"Yeah I figured why not a simple yet special date." He says.

"Well I love it!" I exclaim and we soon head inside.

We arrive to the theater ready to watch our movie.

"I'll be back. I'm just going to buy some drinks and popcorn." Jin tells me and leaves.

I just sit there by myself while watching some ads.

There's a good amount of people here.

I feel something go up my arm.

I try checking but I suddenly can't move.

What the?

I just see black.


"One large bucket of popcorn and two sodas." I tell the front counter guy.

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