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It was the day of the graduation.

The students have been waiting 10 years for this moment.

The crew were all dressed in their cap and gown.

The 4th gen come.

"Hey guys! We just wanted to congratulate you all beforehand!" Tzuyu says hugging Baekhyun.

"Thanks!" They thank them.

Everyone looked at each other.

"We all graduate in one hour....this is crazy..." Jennie says.

"It's been a hectic time with all of you. Not once did I expect to be fighting monsters." Nayeon chuckles.

"Yeah we all spent good times together." Jimin says.

Everyone holds hand.

"Let's all go around and share our feelings about well....everything." Jisoo smiles.

"I'm so happy I met all of you. Before we were all divided but we all came together and made wonderful memories together." Jennie starts.

"Before I was just a girl who didn't know how life will take her. I thought all I need are my Unnies that's it.....but you all proved me wrong. Because in the end I got to gain my oppas, more Unnies, little siblings........and my kookie...." Lisa says tearing up.

Jungkook kisses her forehead.

"I always thought getting good grades and being perfect was all that mattered but even that beats an amazing friendship you all helped create...." Rm says smiling at the people he made amazing memories with.

"I've been in this academy my whole life.....I lost my parents at a young age so I never knew the feeling of having anyone love me.....but you all gave that love I needed.....thank you for giving me such an amazing friendshi-no-thank you for giving me an amazing family...." Jisoo says tearing up.

Everyone cries with her.

They all soon went on.

"We been through so much ...fighting gargoyles to a swamp monster yet we got through all of them.. I thought it was the end when Jisoo was gone but now she's back. It's better than ever. You helped me realize things ....how I shouldn't be blinded by anger....instead I became a leader ....and lastly I got to meet the love of my life .....this is it guys.....after these we may all go different paths but our hearts will still go in one direction...." Jin finishes.

They do a group hug.

"And 4th gen kids we're going to miss you!" Jihyo says sad.

"If any of you need anything to anyone to talk to don't hesitate to call us!" Jin assures them.

"Also if anyone tries picking on you guys now that we're leaving just tell me! I can kill a bitch or two." Jennie adds.

Jisoo smacks her.

They hear the music start.

"Good luck guys! We'll be at the crowd cheering for you!" Ryunjin says as they all leave.


All the students were seated. Their families were seated at the auditorium.

"Let's have the Valedictorian have his speech." The host announces.

"When I first came to this school at 10 years old I didn't know what would happen. I'm a Warlock that has magic, now that's normal. Or is it?I was scared to what I would have to face. Before coming to this academy I was just a little boy who just wanted to read and that's what I did. I read........I read people's story in this academy....I read my members story's.....my professors story's........I read my story. After reading everyone's I've realized we all share something in common.....we're all not normal. To people having Supernatural isn't normal.....but every person seated here today isn't normal....normals boring that's why. We're all amazing extraordinary people...so my fellows classmates wherever life will take you after finishing this chapter of you life. I wish all the best...."

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