Chapter 44

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I ran away from the scene until I reached a dark alley.

I hear footsteps behind me.

Fuck don't tell me they followed me!

"Unnie!" I hear a voice.

It's Tzuyu.

I turn.

She's with Jeongin.

"Unnie are you ok????" Tzuyu ask worried.

"I'm fine. Are you guys ok??" I ask.

They both nod.

"They saw me........" I say.

Tzuyu and Jeongin hug me.

"It's our fault Noona. We shouldn't have persuaded you to go." Jeongin says sad.

"It's not your guys fault." I tell them.

"What are you going to do now that they know?" Tzuyu ask.

"I don't know actually.." I trail off.

"Everything's going to be fine Unnie." Tzuyu comforts me.


The Fall Festival was basically ruined. All the hard work we put in gone to waste because of the fire.

"It's ok guys. What's important no one got hurt." I say.

Everyone nods.

My members and friends look at me.

"I think you all should get some rest." Headmaster announces.

Everyone goes to their rooms.

I go in my room and change my clothes.

I lay down.

Jisoos alive.

I know it.

That wasn't some look alike.

But how is she alive? And after 2 years why have she been hiding?

I go out my room real quick and knock on the door.

"Yea Oppa?" She ask.

"I need to ask you something." I say.

Tzuyu looks at me.


I was getting ready for bed. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened back at the festival.

I saw it was her.

But what if it was just a look alike?

I hear a knock.

It was Lisa and Chae.

"Unnie? Can we sleep with you tonight?" Chae ask.

"Of course." I smile.

They lay down next to me making Lisa in the middle.

"Do you think it was Jisoo unnie we saw earlier?" Lisa suddenly ask.

"I don't know Lisa.....I don't want to hope for nothing." I reply.

"She saved me...." Chae trails off.

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