Chapter 43

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"Jisoo Noona????" Jeongin ask shocked.

Jisoo widen her eyes.

"Jeongin??? What are you doing here?" Jisoo ask looking at Tzuyu.

"He found out....." Tzuyu trails off.

Jisoo widen her eyes.

"I'm probably dreaming again! This is not real! Tzuyu this is a dream!" Jeongin freaks out looking at Tzuyu.

"Jeongin calm do—" Tzuyu gets cut off.

"Jisoo Noona is standing right there which is impossible! She died remember???! Slap me Tzuyu! Just slap me!" Jeongin yells.

"I'm not slapping you Jeongin!" Tzuyu yells back.

"Just slap me! I'm probably seeing things!" Jeongin freaks out again.

"Can you just chill and let us explain!" Tzuyu argues.

"No!! Because a dead girl is ri—"

Jeongin feels a slap on his face.

Jisoo just slapped him.

Tzuyu and Jeongin widen their eyes.

"There? Are you still dreaming?" Jisoo ask Jeongin.

"Y-y-you're alive???!!!" Jeongin freaks.

"Yes, I'm alive." Jisoo says.


So uh yeah I'm alive. Hi everyone! Hope I didn't scare ya!

I was sitting down at my living room with Tzuyu and Jeongin.

They were eating chicken soup in which I made.

"So care to explain how you're alive?" Jeongin ask carefully.

I breathe in.

"So I never died actually..." I start.


I open my eyes and find myself at a dark place.

This looks familiar.

I gain my consciousness and I realized I'm in the underworld.

I try using my powers but nothing.

Looks I used it all up.

I stayed in the underworld for one year until I was able to gain my powers

1 year later

I was at a forest.

What am I going to do?

I carefully walk around the forest trying not come across anyone.

"Excuse me Miss are you lost?" I hear a female voice.

That sounds familiar.

I turn.

"Tzuyu?" I say shocked.

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