Chapter 6

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I was getting ready for school and changing into uniform.

I was getting ready for school and changing into uniform

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(That's their uniform at Esville)

"Jennie are you done?" I asked Jennie who was my roommate.

"Yeah lets go!" She says grabbing her bag while we head to breakfast.

Suddenly we  appeared somewhere else.

"What just happened?" Jennie asked.

We were in the Headmasters office.

Then soon other students appeared in thin air.

Rosè appeared while eating her cereal.

After on students who were in the room were.

Me,Jennie,Rosè,Lisa,Jin, Jimin, RM, Jhope, Jungkook, V, Suga, Taecyeon, Nayeon, Joy, Irene, Baekhyun, Suho, Jihyo, Jinyoung, and JB.

"Why are we all in the Headmasters office?" Jinyoung asked.

We all shrugged.

"Good morning students." Headmaster comes in.

"Why did you call us to your office?" I asked.

"Yeah I was sleeping." Suga says pissed.

That dudes always sleeping.

"I called you all here since you all are the strongest and smartest with your Supernaturals. All of you have all the elements of strength to intelligence." Headmaster begins.

"We're flattered but uh why did you call us?" Jin crosses his arms.

"As you all know there are 5 new students. I need you guys to train them. They are very special and have potential but seems like they can't show their full potential with just the professors or even me. But maybe people they have already are opened with." He tells us.

So that's why he called us.

"We'll be happy to train them." I say and everyone nods.

"You'll train them for 1 week. We'll have the final test on their Supernaturals after." Headmaster says then leaves.

"Well let's work together?" Taecyeon ask us.

"Yep!" We say.

We hear snoring.

Sigh of course Suga is sleeping.

"Let's just leave him." Jhope says then we all leave to go class.

We're in a classroom to discuss our plans to train the 5.

"Do you think I should ask out Tzuyu?" Baekhyun ask and we all just look at him.

"You do know she doesn't even know you right?" Nayeon raises her eyebrow.

"Well yeah but maybe I can get to know her with this training." He says smiling.

"Ok there lover boy." I say.

A few minutes later Jimin and Taecyeon come in while dragging Soobin and Ryunjin.

"Hey why are you taking us here?" Ryunjin ask struggling to get out of Jimins hands.

They set them on the chair.

"We won't hurt you guys." Jin says.

"Hey RM weren't you supposed to get Mark and Jeongin?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah I forgot." He says snapping his fingers making Mark and Jeongin appear in his————oh god.

Us girls looks away from Jeongin while everyone is shocked.

"Why are you in your underwear?" Ryunjin ask Jeongin.

"I was using the bathroom." He clenches his teeth obviously embarrassed.

"Sorry about that." RM snaps his fingers giving Jeongin pants finally.

Jhope comes in with Tzuyu following him silently.

"She just followed you?" V asked Jhope.

"I literally told her to come with me then here she is." Jhope says.

Tzuyu sits down.

Baekhyun smiles and waves at her but she just ignores him.

"That's easier than we had to do. Ryunjin almost bit me." Jimin complains.

"That's what you get for kidnapping us." She says rolling her eyes.

"So why did you bring us here?" Mark asked.

"Well Headmaster ordered us to train you guys with your Supernatural." Jin tells them. They all nod.

"We start tomorrow and will start with sparing. Have anyone of you done any sports?" Taecyeon ask the 5.

They look at each other.

"I'm sure  when you guys were in school they had sports or clubs right?" Lisa ask.

"Well me and Jeongin were in the Chess Club." Mark says smiling.

Oh boy...........

"I was in the Robotics Team." Soobin tells us and we all nod.

"I was Captain of the Mathletes." Ryunjin says.

Then our eyes avert to Tzuyu.

"I was in a book club............." She says. And well put a fake smile.

Me and the others hundle up.

"They're worse than Suga and he sleeps every 30 minutes." RM whispers.

"Hey I'm right here!" Suga hiss.

"The closest sport they've done is Chess." Suho says.

Is that really a sport?

"And Mathletes is the closest that spells athlete." Jennie says then we face the five again smiling.

"We will train you all really well!" Taecyeon says and we all nervously laugh.

The other 5 went back to class while we continued planning.

I was just sitting and talking to my friends. I find Jin coming up to us.

"Hey Jisoo, I just wanted to thank you for helping me with my cuts yesterday." He says trying to avoid my stare.

"It's nothing." I smile. He nods.

"Also if ever you want to have time to have some sparing practice just know I'm available to be your sparing partner any time." He smiles then leaves.

I find my members giving me a teasing look. Oh no.

"Did Kim Seokjin just ask you to spare with him?" Nayeon raises an eyebrow.

"It's nothing." I scoff.

"He totally likes you Unnie." Lisa says chuckling.

"Shut up Lisa." I cross my arms.

"So you're not denying it?" Rosè smirks.

"I swear I will punch one of you." I say and they all laugh.

I glance at Jin.

Me and Jin have never really talked much considering we have both been here since we were younger.

Don't get me wrong he is very hot. But doesn't seem like he would be interested. Not that I care. Right?

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