Chapter 24

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It was about to turn 6pm. Guess me and Jisoo need to cook dinner.

I enter the kitchen and find Jisoo already there.

We give each other a smile.

Just don't make it awkward Jin.

I put on my apron.

Me and Jisoo just look at each other.

Ok this is awkward.


This is killing me! Me and Jin are literally just looking at each other.

This makes it even more awkward considering we literally kissed at the exact same spot right now. Because of me!

Jin clears his throat which grabs my attention.

"Maybe we should make pasta." He suggest.

"Yeah sure." I agree.

We both start gathering ingredients.

I was carrying the bag of flour until I suddenly bumped into Jin making me drop the flour.

Now we're both covered in flour.

"I'm so sorry!" I quickly say.

He chuckles.

"It's ok." He replies then starts helping me clean the flour off the floor.

We go silent.

"Jisoo will you go out with me?" Jin suddenly ask.

I'm currently looking down.

Go out with him???!

Like a date???

"Like as in a date?????" I reply shock.

Jin chuckles again. I just turn red.

"Yes as in a date." He smiles.

He gets up and helps me get up.

"Well then, yes I will go out with you." I tell him.

He raises his eyebrows.

"REALLY—-I mean yeah cool." He replies.

I just giggle.

He starts throwing flour at me.

"Yah!" I yell. He laughs then I start throwing flour at him too.

The door opens.

"Yah you two! We're starving here!" Jennie comes in.

Oh shoot the food.

Me and Jin just face her while giving a nervous smile.

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