Chapter 10

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A few days after the Gargoyle incident. It's weird that I got stoned. That sounds kinda funny. That was very strange and that's coming from me who has seen many strange things at this school.

I was now in Physics class. Very bored actually.

"Ok students! I want you all to partner up with someone!" Teacher yells.

I turn to my side and I've realized I don't have much friends here.

"Hey Jin Oppa! Can you be my partner?"

"Ew ugly he wouldn't partner with you but with me!"

"No Oppa be my partner!"

All these fangirls crowd me.

"Sorry girls. I'm his partner." I hear a voice.

It's Kim Jisoo. She grabs a seat next to me.

"What makes you think you can be Jin Oppas partner?" One of the girls ask angry.

"Since now. So why don't you fangirls go somewhere else." Jisoo says and surprisingly the fangirls left.

"Thank you." I tell her.

I surely didn't want to be partners with those girls.

"No problem. I couldn't find a partner and you seemed to be the only one I knew here." She says.

"Ok students. I have a project for you. It's to build a paper plane and whoever has the one who flew the longest gets the highest grade. And remember—"

"No using Supernaturals."We all finish. It's a rule that you cannot use magic or any of our Supernaturals when it came to academics.

Me and Jisoo start talking about what we will do for our project but then talked about other topics.

We were laughing.

"I swear your glasses back then! You were such a nerd!" She laughs.

"Hey I was 13! But now look at this Worldwide Handsome." I motion to my face.

We both fell silence.

"I actually never got to thank you for defending me when it was my first day." She tells me.

Oh that time.

"It's nothing. I really don't like it when people talk bad about other people. Plus I know the feeling of your world changing in just a suddenly bliss." I tell her.

About 10 years ago me,my twin brother, mom, dad, and sister were living a normal life. My dad was a scientist and also an alpha of his own pack. That's why me and Taecyeons Supernaturals came at a young age.

After he died  our lives changed. My mom decided to send us to this school since she knew it would benefit us and help us forget the bad memories.

Let's say I can't forget. And neither could my twin brother.

My thoughts are interrupted with someone throwing my books off my desk. I'm really not having any Ivan's shit right now.

"What do you want Ivan?" I ask uninterested.

"I've been calling you like crazy but I forgot that your brain is pretty small for you to function." Ivan laughs.

"Not as small as your dick." I shot back making some people giggle.

"Hey shut it!" He yells at them.

"Can you just leave Ivan." Jisoo tells him.

Ivan just throws a ball of paper at her.

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