Chapter 17

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Me and my members were currently in my room helping Jennie get ready for her date with V.

"Jennie stop moving. You're going to burn my hands soon from curling your hair." I hiss at her.

"Sorry Unnie. I'm just nervous. It's my first ever date." Jennie says looking at the mirror.

"I'm sure it's going to go amazing Unnie!" Lisa tells Jennie.

Jennie smiles at her.

"You know Unnie." Jennie begins looking at me.

"Hm?" I ask.

"I wonder when Jin Oppa will ask you out." She says.

That took me by surprised.

I mean me and Jin? We're just friends.....

Ok maybe I have a little crush on him. I mean how can you not? He's pretty hot. And he knows that himself.

But I think to him we're just friends. And that's ok.

I finishing curling the last strain of hair.

"And done!" I smile.

"Thank you guys for helping me. I would've lost my mind if I didn't have your help from picking out my outfit to doing my hair." Jennie says hugging us.

We hear a knock.

"That must be him." Jennie says panicked.

We calm her down while Lisa opens the door revealing V.

He gives a smile.

"You look really beautiful." He tells her.

"You look really nice as well." She says.

I look at V.

"I'll bring her back by 11pm." He tells me.

I smile and nod.

The two go head to their date.


Me and Jennie are currently walking to the near by garden of the school. We couldn't go to the towns park since school gates close by 8pm.

I'm actually really nervous. I can't even believe I got to even ask her out. Or well I didn't technically ask her out but more so told her. Oh whatever. Either way I'm still nervous.

I spent the whole week thinking of what to do for our date. My Hyungs even tried helping and let's say they were less of a help. Like come on, does any girl want to go play video games all day?

But after a lot of thinking I got an idea for our date.

"And we're here." I say and in front of us was a picnic.

" I say and in front of us was a picnic

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