Chapter 15

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(A/N: so within these few chapters it will focus on Tannie mainly. But other ships will be included.)


Another day of boring class work. I was waiting for my seat mate which is V. I wonder if he has recovered. I left the Infirmary when he was starting to wake up. I didn't want him to know I was worried about him or cared about him. I will say I hated the fact how close he was getting to me. But I soon may have started developing a crush on him.

I couldn't tell my members. I was kinda embarrassed. Because it would be surprising that the cold Jennie would go soft for a boy.

What happened last time to him got me really worried.

Class was about to start. Where is he?
He comes in the class and of course fangirls. He goes up to me and I smile.

"Hey uh. Is it ok that I sit next to Yura?" He ask me.

My smile drops.

Oh. He doesn't want to be seat mates anymore?

"Why are you asking me? I don't really care." I say rudely and turn to my books.

With that he goes sit next to Yura. They keep laughing and talking.

I hate it.

I grip on my pencil and it snaps into two pieces.

And if you're wondering. I'm not fucking jealous.

Like he can be seat mates with anyone. But Yura?!! She's such a Bitch and Slut. She sleeps with guys left and right.


I was still kinda heated from earlier. So I go to the woods and change to Vampire form. And just run across the woods.

I soon find a fox and start attacking and drinking its blood.

"You must be thirsty." I hear. It's a wolf. It transforms to Jimin in human form.

Ewwww he's shirtless. I'm sure Rosè would love this.

I lick the side of my lips with blood.

"What Jimin?" I ask annoyed.

"Damn someone's on their period." Jimin period.

"Yah!" I yell.

"I'm sorry!" He yells.

"But why are you so pissed?" He ask.

"It's nothing. Just needed fresh air. And fresh food." I say quietly.

He nods.

"By the way have you seen V? I've been looking for him." Jimin ask.

From all people he mentions that asshole?

After me staying with him the whole night for him to wake up. He just goes with Yura and not even thank me??!! Again I'm not jealous.

"He's probably with Yura fucking somewhere." I say crossing my arms.

Jimin smirks.

"Aw is someone jealous?" Jimin says in a kid voice.

"Aw does someone want to die?" I say back with a kid voice.

He just glares at me. HHAHA.

"But just be honest. You like V don't you?" Jimin ask me.

I pause. Do I say yes? But he's Vs best friend. He'll probably tell him and we can't have that.

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