27. Business

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It's been hours since he's left my room yesterday.

Yes. Yesterday.

Today is a new day and I have yet to see him.

Yoongi said he had to leave yesterday to take care of business and this morning I'm hit with the same reason.


I'm annoyed and I don't know why I am but I do know why I am. I'm just...ugh...really annoyed.

Don't tell me you're going to spend some time with me, drop a truth on me which wasn't really bad and I understood why he waited to tell me but leave me when he gets a mysterious phone call and disappears for almost twenty-four hours.

Who the hell does that??

Even after he left, I wrote the sweetest entry about our first kiss and our magical night together. Now to be hit with this avoidance that I don't even know why it's happening in the first place is frustrating.

I do not want to be frustrated at the end of my trip!

I need to leave. I just need to some air to breathe. I glanced out to the ocean, contemplating a walk. Lucky for me, the rain as stopped.

Slipping off my sandals, I opened my patio door and closed it lightly and began a stroll down the beach. The minute my toes curled with the sand, I was able to calm down so I could rehash my thoughts for a reasonable explanation for all this.

Footprints trailed me as I walked along the shore.

Okay, so Taehyung grew up rich.

Well, he certainly hid that well.

I guess it makes sense to me now. He was always a bit tight lipped about what his parents did and he never talked about them other than to vent on how they keep making his life difficult. They wanted to him to attend a certain school and hang out with certain people. Taehyung always expressed how he could never be himself and that's why he loved the arts and photography. They were his way of being expressive.

I've always admired that about him.

He would always say how they've mapped out his life down to the age where they wanted grandchildren. It was always what they wanted. Even in his letters I could see how this hurt him and being able to witness it first hand, really breaks my heart. He seems to want freedom and being here with me seemed to have given him that.

It's given me that as well.

If I'm being honest, this has been the most freedom and fun I've had in years, who better was there to share it with?

"I get to share this with you. There is no one else I would ever want to share this with."

His words stuck close and still does. His whispers spoke just as clear now as the day he recited them. They resonated in my thoughts, my heart and my soul. Along with him telling me that he's in love with me.

Why does thinking of this makes my stomach sink?

A part of me always hoped that we would feel this way for each other. I know I can be naive but I should have realized what could happen here the moment he held my hand at the airport.

"Take my hand. I'm here with you Kye. I will help you conquer your fear."

With everything happening, I can't help but wonder is he really trying to help me conquer my fears or is he trying to release his own.

Which brings me back to him, what is going on there?

So much mystery has been surrounding this getaway. Most of it I think I have a handle on now that his fortune has been revealed but what about Yoongi? Who is Yoongi to him, a brother? Cousin? Associate?

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