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Another quiet car ride.

This time it was mostly me as I started feeling a bit nauseated after our sail in the sky. Maybe I should have taken a patch but I thought I could handle it.

Apparently not.

Taehyung was very worried, voicing an apology every five minutes for not following his own instinct about having them on hand. I told him it was okay and I would feel fine after resting. He promised there would be something to help settle my stomach once we got back to the beach house. I really hope so because I was on the verge of vomiting.

We arrived at the beach house. Taehyung hurried out of the car upon stopping and got to my side quicker than I could take another breath. He opened the door and extended his hand out but I felt too weak to move.


I held my stomach and shook my head, afraid that I was going to vomit at moment. Taehyung moved closer, slipping his hands under me and cradled me in his arms. My arms wrapped around his neck as he eased me out slowly from the car. The familiar citrus but wooded scent that wafted into my apartment behind him the day we officially met, crawled into my nostrils, surprisingly not affecting my nausea at all. I actually liked his fragrance, especially on him.

"I got you Kye," his voice was warm and deep like a blazing fire on snowy, winter night. The immediate solace I felt from just the sound of him, settled me into a comfort that I can't quite explain but I find myself liking that as well.

I closed my eyes to wrap myself in Taehyung, not noting when he reached the door of the house or my room. I only felt the meeting of my body onto the bed and the absence of him away from him.

This I did not like.

On instant, I turned toward him as he knelt down beside me, eyes wandering mine and filled with concern. A faint smile colored itself onto my lips, enough to for him to emit one of his own. Just then, my eyes averted to Yoongi who knocked on the door with a bottle of soda in hand, ginger ale to be exact and placing it on the nightstand next to the bed. He quietly exited, not unusual for him but my heart skipped in the fact that Taehyung never acknowledged him nor tore his gaze away from mine. I'm not sure why but I was liking this too.

What's going on here?

Taehyung reached over and grabbed the soda from the nightstand. "Drink some of this. It will help you."

I sat up a bit and accepted the soda from him, taking small sips before closing the bottle and lying back down. "I'm sorry."

Taehyung's brow quirked, "what for?"

I cleared my throat before speaking. "I ruined your dinner plans."

His smile illuminated the minimal space between us. "Don't worry about that. Besides, it's still early and if anything, we can always order pizza. I just want you to feel better." Taehyung leaned in and graced me with a soft kiss on my cheek.

I think I'm beginning to like the way his lips feel against my skin. It sends electrifying pulses spiraling into every cell of my body. A feeling that I'm not sure should be felt between friends but something in me is questioning that title now.

"Rest, okay?" A raspy tone from him resonated in our tiny space. I nodded in agreement.

Taehyung stood up and I watched him leave, turning and smiling before he closed the door behind him.

This has been quite a day.

From my morning conversation with Yoongi to my parasailing afternoon with Taehyung, so many words spoken, so many gestures speaking louder than bombs that has tainted my hearing with curiosity and wonder.

Nevertheless, I like it.

I didn't expect this, well at least not this elaborate. It would be silly of me to be remiss of how much I've contemplated Taehyung as more than a friend but our distance killed those thoughts. When we were to ever meet, our time would be limited and I wasn't sure if it was worth taking a chance.

He was always with someone it seemed and I would rather have him has my long distance best friend than anything other. I didn't want this trip to revisit feelings of the past but after hearing his whisper, though I couldn't make out much, I like you wasn't too hard to decipher.

I have a feeling he knew that I would understand at least that.

He's been giving me subtle hints and I was choosing to ignore them but now it's getting hard to because I like that he likes me and I want to be able to reciprocate. I want to show him that like him too. How can I do that?

Taehyung is so confident and sure of himself and here I am, a pansy that needs a motion sickness patch just to glide minimal feet in the air. I'm not brave and assertive like him. What if I make a total fool of myself?

I sat up slowly in bed and reached for the ginger ale on the night stand. I took a small sip before a low burp and started to feel my stomach ease. I thought about writing in my journal but I think I will wait until after tonight.

Tonight, where I'm supposed to tell him what I was thinking earlier. I don't think I would be able to get around that but then again, I want to know now more than ever.

Peeling myself from bed, I went to run a warm bath to help me further relax. Maybe soaking in some suds will aid me in sorting more through my thoughts and be prepared for this talk we are supposed to have a dinner.

There was no way I was going to cancel these plans and besides, I like the idea of pizza.


Hmm...is Kye reaching an epiphany? Thank you all for your love of this book!

I love you!

Cupidslittlewings 💘

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