28. Complicated

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I wasn't sure of what I was seeing and I chanted to myself to remain calm to keep from reacting, however it was hard to listen beyond the drumming of my heart and the adrenaline shooting explosives through me, edging me to make a move.

I began to tremble.

"Kye..." Taehyung called as he eased away from his embrace with another, though in my mind, he was still clung to her.

Her. Who is she? I'm not going to react...not yet at least.

Taehyung inched closer to me and further away from the stranger whose gaze never left me. She stared and I felt like a tiny ant about to be crushed to death.

Death probably would be easier than having to deal with this onset of a nightmare that will haunt me for as long as I breathed.

She was definitely a beautiful nightmare.

Long raven hair that flowed down to her tiny but curved frame. Pouty rouge lips and cocoa eyes seated perfectly in her rounded face. Skin fair as a sweet, summer breeze.

She was perfect. I could see the appeal.

It was clear to me that I didn't belong but I wasn't sure how to proceed without making this as painless as possible.

I didn't know how to ease the pain before it began but I would try.

"S-Sorry...I should just..." I was about to turn and leave when Taehyung caught me by the arm.

"Wait, Kye..." Taehyung turned me to towards him. "Don't..." He uttered.

"Don't?" I scoffed.

"Please, let me explain. Will you allow me that?" Taehyung's stare was heavier than his request.

I nodded as various scenarios played on possible explanations.

Taehyung turned back towards his company. "Euna, meet Kye. Euna is my..." Taehyung paused as he glanced at Yoongi who rolled his eyes, followed by a deep sigh.

My eyes filled more from the anticipation.

"Fiancée. She's my fiancée." He spoke.

Lips parting in a hitched breath and my tears fell before I could stop them. "Oh, well then that's all the explanation I need." I attempted to turn away again but he stopped me.

"Kye, listen. You don't understand..."

I snatched away from him. "What is there NOT to understand? You just introduced me to your fiancée, or did I mishear?"

Taehyung sighed. "Kye, it's complicated."

"Ha! Sounds like the perfect relationship status." I scoffed, biting down on my lip as the tears continue to fall.

Taehyung turned towards Yoongi and Euna. "Could you excuse us?" Taehyung requested as he held my hand in his and lead me back into my bedroom, closing the door behind us.

The moment my foot stepped across the threshold, I snatched away from him immediately headed toward my suitcase and threw it on my bed.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I opened my suitcase.

Taehyung walked over and rested his hand on mine. The minute he touched me, my skin fell cold as the indenture in my heart caused me to wince.

"Listen to me Kye. It's not what you think with Euna and I. She is my fiancée but I don't love her. Not the way that I love you."

I could feel my lips trembling as if they were trying to paralyze my speech. "That doesn't make any sense. You can't tell me you love me but you're marrying someone else. Is this what you tried to tell me yesterday before you left? That you wanted to be with me but you can't?"

Taehyung's eyes glistened. "Yes. I wanted to tell you the truth but then Euna called and..."

"Right. You had to go to her. Your wife to be..." I trailed as I tore my hand away from his and continued to gather the rest of my belongings.

"There are things..." Taehyung sighed as he watched me sway back and forth in the room. "Kye would you just listen to me?"

I stopped packing. "I am listening! You're not telling me anything I want to hear!" I shouted.

Taehyung sighed. "This is what I meant, about disobeying my parents. I don't want to go through with this and I am working on a way to not resort to a loveless marriage. But...I don't know if my plan will work in time before the wedding."

"Wedding?" I scoffed. "So, your wedding is planned for you, just like this marriage? You're planning to go through with it and..." An anger harvested every cell in my body. "Why? Why did you bring me here Taehyung?"

A tear fell from Taehyung's eye. "What do you mean? I wanted to see you. I needed to see you. I was going to tell you everything because you deserved to know the truth. I was keeping so many things from you that I couldn't take it anymore. Kye...I love you. I want to marry you. You're the one for me and that was something I couldn't tell you in a letter. I needed to tell you face to face."

"No." I shook my head. "There is no future for us."

"Yes there is if I can just..."

"No! We're not going to figure out how to be together when you're marrying someone else. It's not right."


"How long?" I interrupted.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"How long have you been in this engagement?"

Watching Taehyung fidget, hesitating on my question told me more than what I needed to hear.

"Since I was twenty-one." He answered.

"Oh!" More tears fell. "Seven years...and not a word about it."

"Kye, I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you and I didn't want to tell you until I could figure a way out of this." He whispered.

I shook my head again. "No Taehyung. This is too much. If your parents made an agreement with someone so you could marry their daughter, and you knew this the whole time we wrote each other..." I sniffed, head swimming with too many realizations. "Share willingly" I scoffed. "My idiotic rule got me in the idiotic situation." I mumbled as I got the rest of my things.

"Are you giving up on us?" Taehyung asked.

"There is no us Taehyung. There is you, Euna and your family business that I now realize your involvement in. Funny, you said that you wanted nothing to do with the company your father worked for. Maybe because he owns it, is that why? Was that something else you kept from me?"


"Share willingly." I mocked.

"It's really complicated Kye..."

"You keep saying that."

"Because it is."

"Because you made it! You've dragged me into your complicated mess by kissing me and telling me that you love me!" I shouted. My composure was breaking and hurt had taken over.

"I'm sorry I hurt you. I never wanted to. I wish that you would just give me some time, please." Taehyung pleaded.

"Time? You had tons of time Taehyung. Now your time is up."

After collecting all of my things, I zipped my suitcase and pulled out my small journal I made for him.

"This is for you." I slammed it against his chest without any further explanation.

Opening the bedroom door. I walked out into the living room where Yoongi and Euna remained. Embarrassed, I kept my head low until I was detoured by Yoongi.

"I'll take you whatever you want to go." He uttered low and took my suitcase in his grasp before escorting me out of the house and into the car that seemed to be waiting out front.

I guess my time was up too.


Cupid 💘

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