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Another plate against the wall.

Another slur thrown at her.

And then, for the first time;

A shotgun aimed straight at her head.

She didn't have time to think, she just grabbed the book next to her and hit his head as hard as she could.

She ran upstairs, her blonde curls bouncing prettily as if nothing was wrong.

In reality everything was wrong.

Her stepdad was violent and a drunk, her mom was ignorant and judgemental, and her real dad was out of the picture before Trixie was even born.

She needed to leave.

There was no other choice.

She had to leave now.

She threw all her important possessions and clothes in a small suitcase, grabbed her guitar case, and fetched the money she had saved up from under the loose floorboard in her room.

It was almost too easy to pack. There was her life, her entire life, stuffed in a tiny, pink suitcase.

What a sad life it must have been.

Goodbye Milwaukee.

3 years had passed since then.

She had left Milwaukee for Boston, and many other towns in between.

Now her hair was cotton candy pink, most her clothes worn out, her jewellery sold.

The contents of her tiny, pink suitcase had at least been cut in half, and her guitar, the guitar which had gotten her through so many dark times was now gone too.

Trixie had tried so hard to make it on her own, tried to sing wherever they'd let her, tried to make ends meet. But money was running out, going back home wasn't an option, and so she found herself standing in front of her last resort; Club Katya. 

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