Chapter 28: A Poem Titled You

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As winter turned to spring, Trixie had almost turned back to her old self.
The brown eyed girl had reunited with her old friends at the club, all of which had missed her dearly, and gained a new friendship with Courtney which warmed Katya's heart.

"Hey baby." Katya said as she wrapped her arms around Trixie from behind. The young girl had gotten comfortable with Katya touching her again, and she also knew she could always ask the Russian to stop if needed.

"Hi Katya." Trixie said as she leaned her head back to rest on Katya's shoulder. The unspoken agreement that their trust had been rebuilt was reflected in their every action.

"Are you still sure you wanna do this? It's okay to back out, Trix." The Russian asked as she released the girl from the hug so Trixie could turn to face her.

"I'm sure, I want to get back on stage and I feel ready. As long as I can just be on stage and then stay in the dressing room or backstage for the rest of the night, I'll be fine." The Barbie replied.

Katya was proud of her, so incredibly proud. It took a lot of guts to get back on stage. The Russian had been sceptical about even letting the girl do so, but she trusted the doll's decision.
Trixie seemed ready, and Katya would be there to support her every step of the way. She would be there to catch the brown eyed angel if she fell, ready to kiss it all better, and cleanse any wound.

"Okay, I trust you, кукла." Katya said as she leaned in to kiss the girl softly.

They'd yet to do anything more than kiss, some of those kisses had turned into light makeup sessions, but for the most part simple kisses was were it stopped, and Katya was fine with that.
Just having Trixie by her side again was enough for her.

Have you ever missed someone so much that you didn't even realise how bad it was until they returned?
Well, that's what it was like for Katya.

When Trixie came back, the Russian realised how much she missed all the tiny habits and quirks the young girl had. The way she'd sing country songs in the shower. The way she'd pick her nails when she was nervous. The way she'd glance at Katya when she thought the older woman wasn't looking.

Katya missed them all.
Katya loved them all.
Katya loved Trixie.
But saying those three words out loud was still not something she dared.
It had been so easy to type them for Christmas when she thought Trixie wouldn't bother reading her texts anyways.
But saying them?
That required courage that the Russian didn't know if she possessed.

"I need to go present, I'll see you in a bit, okay детка?" Katya stated as she hugged the girl one more time and kissed the top of the brown eyed girl's head.

"Mhm, see you soon." Trixie replied with a smile.

She looked happy, bright and bubbly, so similar to the girl Katya remembered from months earlier, but the hurt still loomed underneath the surface. Maybe it always would, or maybe it would eventually fade away.
Katya hoped it would fade. Hoped Trixie wouldn't have to live with it constantly looming as Katya did.

As the night progressed, Katya felt anxious but excited. The show was well underway, the club packed and buzzing with the news that Trixie would be returning to the stage.
Kim was on currently, and Katya would be going on straight after, followed by Trixie who would be closing the show.

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