Chapter 22: Sick Of Loosing Soulmates

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Three weeks. Three weeks of nothing.
Not a single word from Trixie.

She wasn't answering anyone's calls, not even Kim's, and she hadn't been at her apartment based of what her neighbors had said.
The only proof they had that the brown eyed girl was even alive was a couple texts she'd sent Kim and Jaida. However each time either of them had asked her where she was, Trixie had refused to tell them, stating it was better that they didn't know.

Katya was a mess without her.
She felt like she had lost everything when Trixie left. Her life had turned into shadows failing to see the light.
Trixie saying goodbye used to be something she only imagined in her nightmares, but now that was the reality she had to live with.

She had dreamed of a forever with Trixie, but forever's like a sandcastle.
She should have seen the signs, the girl's farewell had more than one warning, but now because of Katya's ignorance, Trixie was gone.

She didn't understand how they'd ended up like that, nor who had gotten into Trixie's head.
Someone had told her about Bill, and Katya would bet money on the man himself being behind it.
Bill had been too silent since the night he visited the club, and he had shown too much interest in Trixie that night.

"It really sucks Katya, I'm so sorry for whatever part I played. If I hadn't been stressed about getting on stage I probably would have never said what I said. I'm sure she thought I meant that it was likely that you could have dated Nicky, which wasn't what I meant at all." Violet said as she put a hand on Katya's shoulder.

"It's not your fault, I should have told her the full truth sooner so that she couldn't misunderstand anything. I also shouldn't have pulled away when I knew she was jealous, I should have made sure that she knew that nothing was going on with me and Courtney. I just don't get who told her all that stuff." Katya sighed.

"I think I may know the answer to that. Look who's been showing off Trixie on her Instagram account." Bob said as she entered Katya's office, phone in hand.

And there on the screen, at least 10 fresh photos of the girl that Katya had missed so much.
She looked different, her hair now a light blonde, similar to the photos Katya had seen of her from her earlier years. Her eyes somewhat sad in every photo despite her bright smile.

"Nicky? But why? What the fuck did you do to piss her off?" Violet asked.

"Nothing? At least that I know of, but I'm betting Bill's either forced her or manipulated her into doing it. Maybe she even believes part of whatever she told Trixie, I mean obviously not the part about us dating, but it's possible Bill told her a fake story about us. After all she did tell Trixie that I was gonna marry him." Katya said, feeling a little hurt that her ex-employee would do something like this.

"Well, we know where she is now at least. Nicky's been posting that Trixie has been staying with her so that explains the empty apartment. Kitty Express also posted that she'll be performing there for the first time tonight." Bob said.

Trixie would be performing.
Katya would be able to see her again, maybe even get the chance to talk to her, to explain everything.
One fact that terrified Katya however was that this meant Bill had gotten his claws in her. Katya wasn't sure what he was trying to achieve with this, but she knew it wasn't good.

"I have to go there, can one of you please host tonight?" Katya asked the two girls.

"I'll cover it, go get your girl, Kat." Bob said with a warm smile.

"Thank you so much. Pete has the lineup, just remove my numbers. Violet do you think you could do some extra songs?" Katya looked desperately towards the skinny brunette.

"Sure, Katya, it's the least I can do after fucking up things." Violet replied.

"Thanks Vi, and again it wasn't your fault." The Russian said before dashing out of the room to get ready to go see her angel perform.

When Katya arrived at Kitty Express the club was already filled with people. She had brought two security guards for safety, knowing that she couldn't take any chances when it came to Bill.

"There's a booth over there, Miss Katya." One of her guards, Chris stated. Katya nodded in response, it was a good seat, not too far from the stage but also not too visible. She didn't want to draw more attention to herself than necessary.

"Can I get you anything?" A young asian girl asked her, from her outfit Katya knew that she was a dancer and not just a waitress.

"Yes, a shot of vodka, thanks ehm..."

"Plastique, Plastique Tiara." The girl replied.

"Definitely not her name." Katya thought.

"Thank you Plastique." She said with a charming smile, seeing the girl head to the bar and very obviously discuss her presence with the bartender.
Well, so much for not drawing attention to herself.

A moment later the man she so despised appeared on stage, with a microphone in hand.

"Welcome, welcome, I am your host and the proud owner of Kitty Express, Bill Marshall. I rarely host anymore, but we have a special guest in the audience, the always charming owner of Club Katya, Miss Katya Zamolodchikova!" Bill announced making the Russian grit her teeth for a second before standing up with a fake smile giving the audience a small wave and blowing Bill a kiss for good measure.

Class and elegance was key, she needed to seem unbothered and calm. She needed to seem like she had the upper hand. Any sign of weakness would ensure that she would be eaten alive.

"Ah, well isn't she sweet? Lovely, and we are honored to have you here tonight. And what a night it is! We have a brand new performer opening our show, someone I'm sure our dear guest will be especially intrigued by, the marvelous living Barbie doll; Miss Trixie Mattel!" The disgusting man announced. His black hair slicked back, a red shirt and black slacks covering his slim form, his lips curled into an unsettling grin. Looking at him now, Katya couldn't imagine what she ever found charming about him.

The man exited, and a toy oven was placed on the stage as Plastique returned to Katya's table with her drink.

"Thanks Plastique." Katya said politely, determined to keep her calm and collected facade, tho she was fuming inside.

"You're welcome, Miss Katya." The young girl replied with a soft smile before making her way back to the bar.

Just as Katya had downed her shot, a familiar curvy woman made her way to the stage, a cute apron wrapped around her, her long blonde hair curled and styled in a vintage fashion.
There on stage stood the girl that haunted her dreams and relentlessly filled her every waking thought;


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