Chapter 9: Pandora and the Secret Key

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To say Trixie was nervous was an understatement.
The idea of someone trying to take her away from Club Katya scared her, which was ironic considering it had only been a last resort to begin with.
She knew almost nothing about the man Katya called Bill, but she knew she had no intention of getting to know the man.
If Katya feared what he could do, there had to be a reason for it.

"Trixie, are you okay?" Kim asked.

Kim was quickly becoming one of Trixie's closest friends at the club. It felt as tho she had known the Korean girl for years, despite only meeting her a couple days before.

"Yeah, just a little nervous." Trixie replied.

"You'll be fine, just fix your eyebrows. You'd look really pretty if your eyebrows were even." Kim quipped making Trixie laugh and hit her shoulder.

"You bitch!" She yelled out before adding; "Thanks Kimberly.".

Katya and Pete entered the room, and immediately everyone's attention turned to them.

"We had an unwelcomed guest yesterday evening. I'm sure you all know Bill Marshall, owner of Kitty Express, Kitty Girls, Covergirls, Ru's Racers, and Club 96. He wants to take us down, and as I pissed him off yesterday, I'm sure he'll return tonight and try to steal more of you away with false promises. So please, if there's an issue, tell security and ask them to come get me or Pete. Do not hesitate to get me if he tries anything." Katya said with a strict tone.

"We've all got your back, Kat. He won't be getting more of us." Bob spoke.

"Yeah, he ain't gonna poach more of us, babe." Tatianna agreed. Trixie scrunched up her nose slightly at the nickname she gave Katya, which she saw Katya chuckle at seconds later.

"Good, now let's talk lineup. Trixie and Kim have a duo, and Trixie has one solo number which we'll put right before their duo number. Kim will do her solo number after their duo. I will not be performing today because I need to keep an eye on things. So who's ready to step on stage today?" Katya said looking around the room.

"I'll do my Same Parts number." Tatianna said, Katya nodded and wrote it down on the clipboard in her hand.

"I can do Side to Side?" Farrah suggested.

"Great idea, it's been a while." Katya answered.

"Bob? Monet?" Katya asked.

"I don't know, I guess we could do Havana? It's usually an audience favorite." Monet suggested, Bob shrugged and nodded.

"Okay good. Now, Violet has the night off, Pearl is DJing tonight and Blair isn't confident on stage yet. Jaida? Dela? Any of you got anything?"

"Sorry Kat, I'd really prefer being on the floor tonight." Dela spoke honestly. Katya nodded in understanding.

"I'll do it, I haven't done Dance For You in a while." Jaida said.

"Great, so let's start off with Tati since it's been a while since she's performed. Then we'll do Trix, then Trix and Kim, Kim, Farrah, Jaida, and we'll end with Bob and Monet." Katya stated, quickly writing the order down before taping the lineup on the wall next to the stage door and exciting the room.

"Okay, heart eyes, what's up?" Kim asked looking at Trixie.

"What do you mean?" Trixie asked as she blushed a deep red, knowing far too well what Kim meant.

"You know what, what's happening with you and Katya?"

"Oh, Barbiegirl and the Red Scare?" Pearl said as she sat down in a closer seat. Trixie was a little surprised to hear her talk at all considering she looked asleep only moments before.

"It's nothing, well not nothing, but it's not anything yet."

"Yet, so you want it to be?" Kim asked. Trixie blushed even more, she wasn't used to discussing stuff like this with anyone, let alone people she only recently met.

"Stop pestering the poor girl." Jaida said warmly to which Trixie gave a grateful smile.

"Well, we've all known Katya was hung up on her since her first day here, and she got a full ladyboner when she danced yesterday." Bob said with a laugh. It wasn't mean spirited, just teasing and jokey, which Trixie enjoyed a lot after living all her life hearing it was a sin.

"Come to think of it, Trix, you never returned to the dressing room after Katya's lap dance. Where'd you go?" Monet asked. Trixie looked down in her lap and fumbled with her thumbs, unclear on what to tell them.

"Wait? Katya gave you a lap dance? Katya never does lap dances, I've been trying to get her to join my lap dance numbers for years!" Tatianna said suddenly. Trixie couldn't help but feel proud out the new information. It felt good to know that Trixie had experienced something with Katya that no one else did.

"Yeah, I think you were in a private. It was hot, very untypical Katya, but extremely hot." Monet spoke before winking at Trixie.

The subject of where Trixie had gone was forgotten moments after when Blair burned herself with her curling iron, making Dela go full mother hen on the poor girl.
Trixie was thankful that the question was forgotten because she truly didn't know if Katya was okay with everyone knowing that she was with her. She also didn't know what last night was.

A hookup?
A date?

It was all unclear to her, the only thing that was truly clear was that Trixie would do anything to keep whatever they were going.

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