Chapter 18: The End Of The Cliff

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When November rolled around, Trixie and Katya had been going on dates regularly for 2 months.
Trixie loved their little outings, but hated that she had agreed to take it one step at a time instead of them giving themselves a label.
She wanted Katya to be her girlfriend, and she couldn't understand why the Russian wasn't more keen on the matter.
She didn't want to seem pushy or clingy, but the wait also made her increasingly nervous that Katya might not actually want something permanent. Trixie was used to relationships, not short term flings.

Music hit her ears as she entered the club, an unfamiliar, skinny and talented blonde dancer on stage.
Watching her stood Katya, clearly very engaged in the performance.

She was so much like Katya, not as many tricks from gymnastics of course, but all flexibility, power, and body-ody-ody, making Trixie feel a bit inferior. The woman was so beautiful, barely any makeup on and still more sensual than Trixie could ever dream of being.

The music stopped and the woman stepped off stage as the Russian applauded. Katya hadn't even noticed that Trixie had entered the room, her full attention was on the other blonde.

"You're even better than you used to be." Trixie heard Katya say as she stepped closer to the pair.

"Wait they know eachother from before?" Trixie thought.

"Aaw, thanks babe." The other blonde replied placing a hand on the Russian's upperarm.

"Babe? Really?" The pink haired girl thought to herself for a second before considering that Tatianna also often called Katya the same without it meaning anything.

Trixie walked all the way up to them and hugged Katya from behind, seeing the unfamiliar blonde give her a strange look.

"Hey Kat." She said sweetly as she leaned over to kiss the Russian's cheek.

"Hey детка." Katya replied, making Trixie smile. "This is Courtney, we used to perform together, she's gonna be joining us starting today." The Russian stated.

The statement calmed Trixie a bit as it explained the familiarity between the two women.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Trixie, Trixie Mattel." She said, reaching out a hand for the blonde to shake.

"Hey, likewise, I'm Courtney Act. Are you Katya's girlfriend?" The pretty blonde asked. Trixie didn't know what to reply to that, but before she could even think of something to say, Katya replied with a simple;


The blonde woman looked confused, and frankly Trixie was too.
Why wouldn't Katya just say they were dating?
Why just reply "no"?

"Oh, ehm, okay then." Courtney said.
Trixie pulled herself away from Katya a little.

"Well, not yet anyways." The Russian added after a while, making Trixie breathe a bit lighter.

"Uhmm... Kat, I've actually been meaning to talk to you about my numbers tonight. I've been working really hard on these 3 numbers and I think it would be great to finally perform them." Trixie said.

"Sorry Trix, Courtney's doing 3 numbers tonight so there's no time. You can do one, but that's it." Katya replied.

Trixie was confused and a little hurt. She knew that it was selfish but Katya had never prioritized someone else's numbers over hers before. But she supposed that as Courtney was new there it was fair, it just felt a little like she was being put to the side.

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