Chapter 3: Let Me Give You A Show

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The club was buzzing with energy, it was a busy night and a perfect opportunity to introduce Trixie as an official part of their lineup. 


Her performance had been playing on repeat in Katya's mind. The way she moved her body and highlighted her sinful curves with every movement.
Katya very rarely got involved with anyone at the club, but she found herself getting more and more interested in Trixie. She was not only beautiful, and hot, so incredibly hot, but she was fascinating as a person. She had been so shy when she entered the club, but up there on that stage, she had radiated sex appeal and confidence, like she was born to be on stage. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Club Katya! As always, I am your host; Katya, and boy do we have a show for you tonight. I hope you're ready, дорогуши. A couple days ago a little doll entered our club, a pretty barbie doll who turned out to be quite magical on stage. I am so excited to introduce to the stage, for the very first time, for your pleasure; the beautiful IQ Kitty, Trixie!"

They shared a smile as Katya left the stage and Trixie stepped on it. Katya walked to the wing to watch, there was no way she was missing this show. Trixie was wearing her IQ Kitty outfit, the yellow dress barely covering her deliciously large, round ass. Katya had instructed her to wear it, it was tradition for the first performance. Her legs looked endlessly long beneath the short skirt, her tan, thick thighs peeking out between the hem of the skirt and the top of her white boots.

She looked adorable, but sexy.

Sinfully innocent.

The first song played and Katya was mesmerized once again by how confident Trixie looked on the stage, how beautifully she moved her body, how natural she seemed up there.
So many of the girls would either try to hard when they got here, or look terrified, but Trixie, Trixie was pure perfection. 

Katya stared out at the crowd, wanting to see how the audience were reacting.
They were all going wild, of course they were, Katya knew they would that's why she put Trixie on first.
So why didn't that make her feel happy?
She usually loved when the audience responded well to the girls. It meant good business, busy nights, good money for all of them. But somehow, she wanted Trixie to only dance for her, she didn't want to see others experiencing the magic it was to watch Trixie perform.

It was ridiculous. 

Trixie was her new star, and Katya knew better than to waste that. There were more than enough clubs that would be happy to steal her away if Katya didn't highlight her the way she should be.

Trixie removed her dress and then her shirt, the sheer purple corset on display for the 2nd time that day. God, she looked great in it. It showed off her small waist and her breasts threatened to spill out of the top of it. Katya wanted to rip it off her and take Trixie's soft, natural breasts in her hands.

Trixie slowly removed her boots, showing purple, fishnet knee stockings underneath.
She was an absolute vision and clearly had the audience eating out of the palm of her hand. Katya couldn't remember the last time she had seen their clientele tip so generously. 

The 3rd song came on and Trixie finally walked back to the pole which she had almost not touched until now. Katya didn't know how Trixie knew pole dancing, she had mentioned cheeleading, but nothing about knowing how to pole dance. Yet it was clear during her little audition that she was no stranger to it. 

The audience roared as Trixie showed off her skills at the pole, twirling around it delicatly. They were eating her up, the innocent angel twisting her body devilishly around the metal rod. 

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