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Another soft kiss on her forehead

Another warm smile as she enters the kitchen

And then, for the hundredth time;

The feeling of absolute bliss that comes from being with the person you love.

She walked over towards Katya, hugging her from behind, basking in the knowledge that this was her new normal.

Her blonde curls bouncing as she jumped up on the high chair, a bright smile spreading across her face as she saw the strawberries on her pancakes that spelled out;

"Marry me?"

Everthing was perfect. 

She was marrying  and moving in with the woman she loved.

The woman who spent her every waking moment ensuring that she felt safe and cared for.

It was so easy to accept, no weight on her shoulders at all as she and Katya drove to her appartment to pack her things up in multiple cardboard boxes and in her tiny, pink suitcase.

What a happy life they'd live together.

Hello Trixie Zamolodchikova.

10 years had passed since then.

They had gotten a big house in Boston, and Katya had bought up many of Bill's clubs.

Naomi and Nicky had returned to the club, Nicky spending almost a year apologizing to Trixie and Katya for believing Bill's lies.

Her wardrobe had grown immensely, the most memorable addition being the beautiful light pink diamond engagement ring she'd gotten from Katya all those years ago. 

More importantly, her guitar had returned. The beautiful guitar that her grandfather had given her, the guitar she sold before she met Katya, that guitar had been Katya's wedding gift to her.

Trixie still sang and wrote songs, occasionally even performing live at the club, but most songs were saved for Katya's ears only. 

She had never returned to Milwaukee, there was no need to. Milwaukee wasn't home.
She'd found a new home, a new family, in the most unexpected of places; Club Katya.

A/N: And there is the absolute final ending. I wanted to add an epilogue that was written in the same style as the prologue to kind of bring everything full circle, so I hope you enjoy it. Thank you again for all the support for this book. Again I'd like to remind everyone that my newest Trixya fanfic called "The Trixie Motel" is available now! 

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