Chapter 13: Sparkle Like A Fire

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A little over two weeks had gone since the evening Bill had visited the club.
Things had been good, Katya and her had gotten closer, spending their entire weekend off together.
Trixie had stayed at Katya's for the entire first week, but gone back to sleeping at her own apartment the second, not wanting to admit how much she missed waking up next to the blonde beauty.

Trixie had barely danced since that night, she hadn't been on the floor since her first night, and she'd only gotten duo stages with Kim for last couple of weeks.
Katya had become completely paranoid that someone would harm her again, which Trixie had tried discussing against, but mostly failed at.

Katya was endlessly interesting.
Trixie had discovered hundreds of strange knickknacks spread around her house, a duck with two heads, some voodoo dolls, multiple packs of tarot cards, a hat named Cheryl, and a knife with eyeballs on it, were just some of the mysterious items spread around the otherwise stylish apartment.

Trixie could never predict Katya, she was like a constant wildcard and Trixie loved the excitement.

They weren't anything official, they'd never even been on a date, but that didn't matter. Trixie was fully Katya's, even if Katya should one day loose interest.

Trixie walked into the club, slightly earlier than usual to see Blair practicing on stage. The girl looked frustrated with herself, Trixie knew how badly she wanted to be confident on stage, and how scared she actually was.

"It's hopeless, I'll never be able to dance up here." She exclaimed as the song came to an end.

"You're good Blair, you just need to relax. Try to only think about the music and someone who you'd want to perform for. Don't image the audience, just image that one person." Trixie told her. Blair nodded a little and signalled for Pearl to start the song again. It got better right away, still a little shaky but better.

"Hello Barbara, care for a fucking?" She heard a wierd voice say next to her ear, making her scream laugh which startled Blair and made her loose her focus. She turned to give the person, who she now saw was Katya, a full death stare.

"Sorry Blair, my fault, you were a lot better. Keep up the good work." Katya said smiling at the girl and asking Pearl to start the song again.

"You're an asshole." Trixie said with a laugh.

"True, but you still like me." Katya said kissing Trixie's forehead.

"Hmm, debatable at this point. You've got a headless torso sexdoll which you named and multiple big knives in your bedroom. I'm starting to worry that you're actually a serial killer."  Trixie replied. Katya started laughing like crazy while holding onto Trixie's arm, a habit she'd recently picked up which Trixie found quite endearing.

"How are you, кукла?" Katya asked once she calmed down.

"Good, I'd be better if you let me dance again." Trixie said.


"No Kat, this is getting ridiculous. You need to let me perform again and work the floor. I told you, I'm fine, and I'm ready. I don't wanna shy away out of fear. I need to get back up on the horse, well pole technically." Trixie said, more sternly than usual.

"I've been meaning to ask you, how the fuck do you know pole dancing?"

"My cheer coach made us take a class once, turned out I was quite good at it. But please don't switch subjects, Katya." Trixie replied.

"Trixie, I just want you safe." Katya said with a sigh.

"I know, but I want to pull my weight around here. I don't want special treatment. Please, can't you just let me dance again?"

Trixie put up her biggest puppy dog eyes which she knew Katya was weak for. The week before she'd gotten Katya to watch a livestream of a country festival by using those eyes, even tho Katya fully didn't like live music and was no country fan.

"Oh my god... allright fine, you can dance. One solo song, that's all you get."

"What about floor work?" Trixie asked.

"You can be on the floor first half, then you'll get ready and then you can  close the show. Lap dances are fine, but you're not doing private rooms tonight. I wanna be able to see you for the entire evening." Katya instructed. Trixie felt a little like a child being scolded by a teacher, a fantasy she wasn't entirely against, but she was happy nonetheless.

"Thank you so much, Kat. You're the best." She said in a bright tone, kissing Katya's cheek softly. Katya chuckled at the overly cutesy act and wrapped an arm around Trixie's waist.

None of the dancers knew what they were, but they knew that they were something. Katya was far from shy when it came to showing Trixie affection around the others which Trixie found slightly embarrassing at first, but had quickly grown to love.

"Blair, good job, you can perform tonight if you wanna." Katya told the young girl on stage. Blair's eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of her skull.

"Really?!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, one song, then floor after." Katya told her.

Blair practically sprinted into the dressing room to tell the other girls which made Trixie smile. She knew how hard Blair had worked to dance on stage and enjoyed having some hand in her finally making it.

"You think she'll be fine?" Trixie asked, wanting what's best for the girl.

"Yeah, she's rough around the edges, but she's got that innocent vibe working for her. Thanks for helping her gain some confidence."

"No problem, I just want her to do well." Trixie said honestly.

She knew far too well how awful it could be to have no confidence.
When she was still trying to make her music career work out, she'd expected it to be just like performing in her bedroom, but having an audience freaked her out and made her insecure. It took ages for her to conquer the fear and learn to act confident. She learned that pretending was the secret.
She pretended to have confidence, pretended that it all came natural to her, until the day it finally did.

"You're cute, you know that?" Katya said kissing the top of Trixie's head. "Now, we should go get dressed,

As they headed towards the dressing room, Trixie felt joy radiate through her at the thought of returning to her performance bubble.

The stage that she once feared had become her haven, until now when her safe place was attacked.
So her only choice was to walk straight into the fire and face the struggle head on.

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