Chapter 17: One Of These Nights

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Trixie's bedroom floor was covered in pastel clothing, an array of pinks, purples, blues and yellows covering the linoleum floor.
She was determined to look perfect for her date with Katya, but nothing seemed good enough.
Katya had said for her to dress casual, which had thrown Trixie for a loop as all her best outfits were quite dressed up.

Eventually she settled on a pink crop top with a white cropped tshirt underneath and a white pleated skirt, she also added a light blue denim jacket on top in case it got cold. She didn't bother with heels, pulling on her light pink converse instead. Her hair was down, styled to perfection with big waves that framed her face.

Just as she'd done her finishing touches, the doorbell rang

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Just as she'd done her finishing touches, the doorbell rang. Trixie practically ran over to open the door, revealing a very beautiful and sexy looking Katya.

Trixie giggled slightly at the extreme opposite in their styles, making Katya shift her head to the side in a confused look

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Trixie giggled slightly at the extreme opposite in their styles, making Katya shift her head to the side in a confused look.

"What's funny?" The Russian asked, sounding a little nervous.

"Nothing, I just love how we always look like we're going to completely different events." Trixie stated making Katya laugh a little too.

They drove for a while in Katya's car, Trixie recognizing that they were heading to the outskirts of town.
When they finally arrived they were parked next to a grassy field where a picnic blanket and candles were set up, tiny fairy lights hanging in the surrounding trees. In the middle of the blanket sat a huge picnic basket and a champagne bucket.

"Oh my god, Katya it's so beautiful. How did you even manage to do this?" Trixie asked.
They always had Sunday's off but she knew Katya usually slept until late in the day because of how tired she'd be from the might before and the week that had passed.

"Pete and Ron helped out a bit. I'm glad you like it, кукла." Katya replied kissing her cheek softly before leading her over to the blanket.

"This is amazing, I've always wanted to go on a late night picnic." Trixie stated in awe as Katya set out the food.

"I know, I might have called Kim to ask if she knew what your dream date was." Katya admitted.

"It's perfect, thank you." She replied as she leaned in and gave the older woman a soft kiss.

They ate happily, drinking one glass of champagne each before deciding the fancy life wasn't for them and switching to coke, and learning about eachother's pasts.

"This really is the perfect date, the only thing that could make it better would be a guitar and a campfire." Trixie joked as she took another bite of her red velvet cupcake.

"You know, funny you should mention that." Katya said before walking over to the car and pulling out a guitar case from the trunk.

"A friend of mine was getting rid of his guitar, and I remembered you saying your grandpa taught you to play, but then I also noticed that you don't have a guitar in your apartment, so I kind of got this for you. I don't have a campfire in the trunk tho, sorry." Katya said as she placed the guitar case in front of Trixie.

Trixie carefully opened the case and sighed when her fingers touched the strings.

"Katya, I don't know what to say, just thank you." Trixie said with tears in her eyes before hugging the blonde tightly. "You don't know how much I've missed playing." She added.

"You're welcome, кукла. I know it's not the best, but the strings are new and he said it's not too used." Kaya said.

"It's perfect." Trixie said as she turned her head to kiss Katya's cheek.

She removed herself from the hug and carefully took the guitar out of it's case, letting her hands wander over the wood.

"How come you don't have a guitar?" Katya asked.

"I had to sell it. I was trying to make it as a singer, but I got fewer and fewer gigs so I started selling what little possessions I brought when I left home. First I sold the jewelry, then my guitar, before I eventually went to your club." Trixie explained.

"Would you play me something?" The Russian asked after a moment of silence.

"Sure, any request? I can offer the entire catalogue of ABBA songs, the entirety of Avril's discography, or Time After Time." Trixie joked.

"Well, as tempting as it is to show off my beautifully fully choreographed contemporary dance to Time After Time, I was kind of hoping you'd play me something you'd written?" Katya said nervously. They'd discussed Trixie's solo music before, but she had never let the Russian hear any of it in fear of the older woman hating it.


"Please Trix." Katya begged overdramatically with both hands clasped together and a full pout.

"Allright fine, but don't you dare laugh. I kind of wrote you something, but it's not really finished yet." Trixie said as she played the intro to the song she'd been working on for the past few weeks.

"Weirdness follows me wherever I go
Weirdness seems to know me even better than I seem to know myself
I'm someone else
Looking to the clock beside my bed
Am I really keeping time or is it only keeping me instead?
Go back to bed

Woah woah woah woah
You've got time to grow
Oh soldier, take your time
No one said the words all have to rhyme, and if they do it's fine
And even if they don't, no one needs to know
Woah woah soldier, you gotta let things go"

Trixie had started writing the song the night Katya told her about her past, wanting to give the blonde some sort of comfort and express the words that she couldn't get herself to say properly.

As she strummed the last chord she felt nerves surge through her.

What if Katya hated it?

The blonde across from her sat compeltly frozen, not uttering a word.

"It's not great, I'm sorry... I'll play something else... or actually let's just continue our meal.." Trixie rambled as she started putting the guitar back in it's case when a hand stopped her.

"Trixie... that was the most beautiful song I've ever heard. I can't believe you wrote that for me, or that you wrote me anything at all really." Katya said with tears in her eyes.

"Really?" Trixie said shyly.

"Really, Trixie you're the most talented person I've ever met." Katya said sincerely.

The rest of the evening was spent with tales of Katya's many tattoos, discussions surrounding why kids were out of the question for both of them, Trixie singing multiple ABBA songs, and the two of them realizing how much they both loved Waterloo.

Everything was perfect, but oh how quickly that would change.

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