Chapter 30: Above The Time

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As another night came to an end Trixie once again found herself at Katya's apartment, cuddled up on the older woman's couch.

It felt absurd when she thought back on the first time she'd been there. Back then, she feared being with Katya would be like a passing comet. There one minute, glowing against the dark sky, burning intensely, brightening the brown eyed girl's life without knowing it, and gone as quickly as it appeared.

But Katya was here.
Katya was hers.

And unlike so many other people in Trixie's life, she didn't doubt the love Katya had for her. The brown eyed girl had spent so many years begging for the love of people who were supposed to care about her, but she didn't have to do that with Katya.
Katya was there, pouring out her love unconditionally, and Trixie hoped they could stay that way forever.

"I wrote a new song." Trixie stated as she got up from the couch to get the guitar that Katya had given her on their first date.

"Really?" Katya stated in surprise, a  bright smile on her lips, her eyes becoming small as she smiled wider.

"Yeah, you wanna hear it?" Trixie asked, knowing already that the answer would be yes, smiling when the Russian confirmed it by nodding quickly.

"I don't wanna see you coming
I don't wanna see you go
I just wanna see you blowing
Coming in through November snow"

Trixie sang as she remember the mess they were in November, and Katya coming to Bill's in an attempt at getting her to return home.

"And gotta mix some sense in loving
Looking up for what's below
Gotta hear the train that coming
Gotta hear the whistle blow"

She thought of the arguments and the danger, the explanations and the protection.

"Like ooh, ooh
I don't have a broken heart
Ooh, ooh
I don't have a broken heart"

She didn't, not anymore.
All the heartache and pain had been mended by Katya's love.

"I've heard the curse is broken
From the taste of true love's lips
There is more to me than potion
Like a poison running thick and
Loving never was a story
Only guaranteed to end
And the more I push the more she
Pushed back and we start again"

Trixie's curse was finally broken.
The damaged view of love she'd grown up with exchanged with the experience of true love and freedom.
The journey had been a whirlwind, but she wouldn't have it any other way because it brought her to where she was now.

"And I see the raptors wandering
Back up around the bend
And I see the rope's untieing
And the bridge comes caving in and
What's all the use in learning
When the breaking went to bend
When you got your tables turning
When you take my heart again
Like ooh, ooh
I don't have a broken heart
Ooh, ooh
I don't have a broken heart"

The ropes of her stepfather's hold where finally cut, Bill was finally out of their life, and Trixie was finally free to love Katya the way she'd wanted to from the start.
Her mind no longer clouded by lies and deception, or doubt and fear.

Katya had taken her broken heart and put it back together.
She had waited patiently for Trixie to return to herself.
Waited in uncertainty regarding if that day would even come.

But it was here now.
Trixie had never felt better in her entire life. She was where she belonged and nothing else mattered.

"That was beautiful. It seemed happier than the others, if that makes sense?" Katya said as Trixie put the guitar down.

"I'm feeling happier, maybe the happiest I've ever been." She replied. Katya took her hand and kissed it softly.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me. It's so good to see you like this again, кукла." The Russian said. Trixie placed a hand on her cheek before she captured the blue eyed woman's lips with her own. Her entire body heating up as if there was a flame inside her as the older woman deepened the kiss.

"Katya?" Trixie said as she pulled back for air.

"Mhm?" The older woman replied as she leaned back on the couch.

"Make love to me."

Katya sat up straight at that, her eyes wide.

"Trixie, are you sure? We don't have to, you know?"

"I know, and the fact that you ask that question is exactly why I am so sure." Trixie said honestly, love seeping out of her eyes as she viewed the blue eyed girl.

"Okay, I love you, Trixie. I love you so much it's almost scary." Katya said as she kissed the brown eyed girl's cheek before letting her kisses travel further down. Carefully coloring the angel's skin with purple marks of love, instead of the marks of hate and anger that had so often graced it before the pair had met.

"I love you too, more than you can imagine." Trixie said, a tear of joy rolling down her cheek as she felt herself give after to pleasure once more, relishing in the touch of the other woman again instead of shying away from it like she had for so long.

Every touch electrifying.
Every kiss tender.
Every word seeping with care.
Every look bursting with love.

Katya was gentle when needed, rough when asked, and always mesmerizingly attentive.
Trixie left her soul and body bare before the blue eyed woman, completely surrendering to her. She let herself fall, knowing that the red lipped girl wouldn't let her hit the ground, but would rather be there waiting with open arms to catch her.

Trixie wanted nothing more than to live like this until eternity caught up with them. She wanted to remember this feeling forever.

How Katya's soft lips caressed her every insecurity.
How her ocean eyes looked at Trixie as if she was a piece of art.
How her words conveyed every deep desire whilst still making sure the young girl felt comfortable and safe.

Time and space didn't matter, neither did their tangled road. Not if Trixie got to live like this until the cherry blossoms fade away.

When their magical moment had ended, Trixie layed on Katya's chest, her fingers gently traveling up and down the blue eyed girl's arm, tracing the outlines of the inked skin like she had so many times before.
There was no need to speak, for they both knew every word that was meant. The sentences hanging in the air like unspoken secrets, twinkling like fairy lights above their heads.

And as the understanding that their misfortune had finally ended reached them both, Trixie relished in the fact that they could finally begin their next journey.


A/N: This is the end of the story.
Thank so much to everyone who has been supporting it and me, it has meant so much. I am considering doing an epilogue, or possibly a 2nd book.
Otherwise I'd like to inform everyone that my new Trixya story called "The Trixie Motel" is out, the first chapter is already posted so please check that out ❤

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