Chapter 25: The Demon Sings A Lullaby

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Trigger warning: attempted sexual assault and violence


As Trixie stepped off stage she felt her feet ache and her face fall.
Her body was sore, red blisters covering her feet and purple bruises on her knees from dancing.
The traces of her pain painted her skin like a canvas.

Once the new year began, Bill seemed to have forgotten everything about treating Trixie nicely.
She was worked to the bone every night and forced into doing privates straight after performing and until closing time.

Most of the girls were cold, including Nicky. Naomi was quite sweet to her tho, and they'd even discussed how they both missed Club Katya, however  they never got far into the subject as any talk of Katya still made Trixie tense up. And yet, going back to Katya's seemed more and more tempting.

"Trixie, join me in my office." Bill said sternly as Trixie stood leaned against the backstage wall, trying to get a moment to catch her breath. She nodded hesitantly before following the man down a hallway she'd never been in.

On the walls were pictures of girls, some of which she recognized as dancers from the club, but also some new faces who looked far too young to graze the walls of a strip club.

"Some of the girls, Trix, some of them were barely 14."

She remembered Katya telling her. As the thought hit her, she felt a chill run through her body.

What if Katya had been right?

At the end of the corridor was a large wooden door, guarded by two men who seemed about double Trixie's size. Bill opened the door and ushered the young girl inside.

"Sit." He stated as he pointed to a chair in front of the large desk in the dark room. Trixie followed his instructions, too frightened to do otherwise. She'd never seen him like this, so cold and harsh.

"Do you know why I called you in here, Trixie?" Bill asked as he walked around the room slowly. The brown eyed girl shook her head quickly.

"Because you've been slacking, Trixie. I've got tons of complaints from your privates. People stating, important people at that, that you refuse to do your job." Bill stated in a dark tone.

Trixie thought about his statement, she'd never refused to do her job, she'd danced for them, let them touch her on top of her clothes.
She'd only ever refused people to touch underneath her clothes, undress her and she'd refused sex services.
Surely, he couldn't actually mean....?

"He rented us out for private parties where we were forced to perform acts that I want to vomit from when I think about it."

Once again Katya's words rang loudly in her ears, and she felt panic start to build.

"Sir, I've only refused what I'm allowed to refuse by your guidelines." Trixie stated, trying to sound calm and collected.

"Oh Trixie... Trixie, Trixie, Trixie." He said with a shake of his head as he sat down in front of her and placed a hand on her thigh.

She felt like her skin was burning were his hand gripped her thigh. She wanted to run, or break down crying, or both. She was terrified.

"When they were finished using me, he'd demand that I came to his private chambers. Every single night."

Another one of Katya's statements popped into her head as she felt Bill's hand move slowly up her thigh and underneath the hemline of the tiny skirt she'd worn for stage.
Everything Katya had said, it all made sense to her now.
Who Bill truly was, she saw that man now, she saw the monster now.
And if Katya was right, Trixie was in danger. She was trapped in the lion's den with no way to escape.

"You really are too naive for your own good, Trixie, but that's okay." He said, his eyes darkening and his hand getting dangerously high. As his fingertips hit her pantyline, she instinctively slapped his hand away, regretting her action seconds later.

Before she could stop it, she was pulled out of the chair by her arm and pushed face down on his desk, the arm he gripped twisted behind her back, making her cry out in pain.

"You little bitch." He gritted out as he flipped her skirt up and slapped her ass hard. The pain bringing her back to the pink bedroom and the man who would torment her day in and day out. The man who would throw her into the bathroom door for answering a simple question.
The man who would punch her until her legs gave out.

How had she let herself get pulled into the clutches of another beast?

"You know, I've been so sweet to you, Trixie. I've taken care of you, given you all the spotlight that Katya never did. But if this is how you're gonna repay me, by not pleasing my customers and attacking me? Then, my dear, then I need to teach you a lesson." He said in a sinister and dissapointed tone.

Tears where streaming down her cheeks. Her body shaking from fear as she felt his hands pull her panties off. Each touch corroding her skin like acid. She tried to struggle out of his grip but to no avail.

She needed a way out and she needed it now. It was almost too late, she realized as the sound of a belt buckle opening and a zipper being pulled down filled the room.

"I bet Katya fucked you good. I bet you loved being her little toy. Well, you're mine now sweetheart, and I'll take what belongs to me." He said as his fingers traveled up the inside of her thighs, getting closer and closer to their goal.

Suddenly her body acted on it's own accord, her free arm reaching up to grab the first thing it could.
And then she did it, just like she had 3 years ago. That time it was a book, this time it was a square, gold ashtray.

He yelped in pain and fell to the floor, holding his temple where blood had started seeping out. Just like last time, Trixie had no idea if he would survive. The blood was staining the blue carpet floor quickly, the roaring monster seeming like a pathetic bug as he writhed in pain.

She pulled her panties on and opened the window, hoping for the best as she jumped out, the sound of guards entering the room behind her fueling her need to escape.

And then she ran.

Ran like she had back then.

Ran to rid herself of the burns from his touch.

Ran back to where she belonged, back to Club Katya.

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