Chapter 12: Late Night After Midnight

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Trixie stared at Katya's dark ceiling, the royal blue with handpainted silver constellations that stretched across it like the most beautiful night sky Trixie had ever seen.

She couldn't sleep, she just watched the Russian next to her. Let her fingers play with the blonde's hair, remembering when her hair was a similar shade. Admired the calm expression that grazed her features when she was asleep. The high cheekbones, the rosy cheeks, the soft lips, the strong jaw, the long dark lashes. Katya was endlessly beautiful in Trixie's eyes.

Katya's story had been playing on her mind. She used to think that her past was rough, but Katya's was heartbreaking.
That anyone could hurt the kindhearted woman was unbelieveable to her.

Katya deserved the world.
She deserved to be loved, cared for, admired.

Trixie wanted to be the person to do that for her. She wanted to bake her cookies and write her songs.
Be the one Katya told all her secrets to and have Katya know all of her own.

Trixie also found that she hated the fact that the man who harmed Katya so much had touched her.
She wanted to erase his prints from her body.
Wanted to scrub away any trace, even tho she had washed up before they had dinner.

That man shouldn't ever be allowed to lay a hand on a woman, much like Trixie's stepdad shouldn't either.
She still remembered the sting that came when his hand came down on her cheek once again.
The smell of alcohol on his breath when he cursed her out.
The fear that ran through her every time she sprinted up the staircase to the safety of her light pink bedroom.

"Trix? You still awake?" Katya asked groggily. It was 7 in the morning by now, which might be fine for normal people but was late considering the club closed at 4.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep." She said, slightly embarrassed. Katya sat up and pulled her close so Trixie was laying on her chest.

"Why, кукла?"

"Just thinking about what you told me. I just wish you'd never have to experience that, and I kind of feel bad for how big I made my drama in my head when you went through something much worse." Trixie mumbled out.

"Trix, my past doesn't make yours less serious. I don't know everything you went through, but I know you said your stepfather harmed you physically, that's not a minor thing. That's serious. Never think that your pain isn't valid." Katya said seriously. Trixie considered her words and nodded a little after a while.

"Do you wanna talk about it? Might help, I feel better after telling you about Bill." Katya said.

"There's not much to tell honestly. It was just bad, pretty much always. My stepdad married my mom when I was ten, and from that day on, I could never do anything right. I often stayed at my grandpa's, he taught me guitar and we'd sing together until nightfall. The day he died was the worst day in my life. Mom's house went from perfectly okay, not great, but okay, to a living hell after she married my stepdad. He was so judgmental and apparently mom was too. They kept telling me that I had to be careful not to turn into a dyke because that was a sin in the eyes of God. I hated everytime that word left his lips. He was constantly drunk and always angry, and that anger was usually aimed at me. He slapped me around a lot, pushed me into furniture at times, threw things at me. The day I ran away, he aimed a shotgun at my head. I hit him with something, I can't remember what it was. I just hit him and ran away. Packed a suitcase and left." Trixie said, realizing how much there actually as to tell.

"That's not nothing Trixie, that's awful. No parent or parental figure should ever lay a hand on their child. They're meant to protect you, not hurt you. I'm just so thankful you got yourself out of there. " Katya said honestly as she leaned down to capture Trixie's lips in a soft and sweet kiss.

Silence found them for a while, both of them looking at the painted starry sky above their heads before Trixie spoke again.

"I really like you, Katya. Seriously, you're the most amazing person I've ever met." Trixie snuggled closer to the older girl, resting her head in the crook of Katya's neck.

"I really like you too, Trix. So, so much. So much it scares me a little."

Trixie smiled at Katya's words, silently wishing that like might some day turn into love.
Trixie could see herself loving Katya, but she'd be content with Katya only liking her forever, even if her own emotion turned into love.

She wouldn't watch the clock, she'd wait patiently.
She'd love her from the cover of the crowds, and never ask for forever, just accept the right now.
She'd happily love Katya from the red side of the moon if she had to.

She just hoped she wouldn't have to.
She hoped that if she truly fell, Katya would fall just as deep.
She hoped Katya would someday know her better than she knew herself.

Someday would be the story she'd be sticking to.

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