Chapter 1: Lost Innocence

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Katya didn't know what to think when the young girl entered the club. She looked too innocent for this world with her yellow and black checkered, short dress and light pink hair. But then again, so had most of Katya's colleagues been when they first entered the club.

She couldn't tell what it was, but something about this girl made Katya want to protect her, or at least make sure that she didn't end up somewhere far worse than at Club Katya.

Yes, the club was hers, however she still danced herself. Katya was popular among their clientele so her dancing was good for business. It also made some of the girls feel more comfortable because Katya never seemed above the others.

She did her best to make the club a safe working environment, in her early days she had met too many employers who swore it was only a strip club but in reality forced their girls to sleep with customers. Katya would have non of that here. This was dancing only, on stage, on the floor, or in private shows, but it was never sex, that was strictly forbidden.

"Welcome to Club Katya, I am your host; Katya. Really, it's Yekatherina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, but everyone says Katya. " She said brightly to the young, lost girl in front of her, her russian accent slightly thicker than usual. She knew the girl was looking for a job, she knew the look of desperation too well. It was the same look she had when she first came from Russia and tried to get employment in the US.

"Hi.. ehm .. I'm Be-beatrice Mattel, but I mostly go by Trixie." The girl said shyly shaking Katya's hand in greeting. Katya almost cooed at how adorable Trixie was, her shyness brought redness to her cheeks and her voice was soft and sweet making her look almost childlike.

She definitively didn't belong here, but Katya knew that she would just go somewhere else if she was turned away, she had seen it happen too many times before.

"Nice to meet you, Trixie. Now, I'm gonna be bold and assume that you are looking for a job." Katya said honestly, trying to show that there was no judgement, only understanding.

"Ehm...yeah..yes, I need a job. I think I'm a...decent dancer, I did cheerleading in school so I can at least move." She said trying to convince the older woman

"Don't worry, I don't expect perfection from anyone here. The girls usually start as waitresses and do some floor work, and then improve over time and work their way up to stage dancing. The stage is the main show, so I like to keep it as professional as possible. But if you've done cheer you should be fine, I did gymnastics myself back in the day." Katya said kindly.

"Oh really? That's so cool!" Trixie beamed, seeming to forget her unfortunate circumstance for a while.

"Yeah, I loved it a lot. Anyways, I'd be happy to have you here, I just need to see some ID that shows that you are at least 21 and you need to be aware that this is purely a strip club. No matter what anyone says or tries to claim, any form of prostitution is strictly forbidden. I want my employees safe, and I'd rather pay everyone more than have them turn to that. If there's an issue you contact security right away, if you're in a private room there's an emergency button on the wall which will alert security to come to your aid. All the girls get a weekly salary and everyone keeps their tips of course." Katya explained. She could see Trixie visibly relax which made Katya smile warmly.

"Oh wow, I'm happy I went here now. I first only went here because I heard the owner was female and I feel more comfortable working under a woman, but I'm really thankful that you have such strict rules, I didn't expect to feel this safe here. And yeah I'm 21, here's my ID." Trixie stated and handed her ID over to Katya. Katya was pleased to see that everything was in order. Trixie was young, but luckily not too young for the club. Many other clubs allowed girls under 21, some even allowed minors, therefor Katya always worried when she had to send a young girl away.

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