Chapter 27: Let's Meet Under A New Sky

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Rebuilding takes time, and Trixie was rebuilding herself brick by brick.
The process was long, but with each passing day it got easier. And even if it was filled with challenges, she'd continue to walk towards a simpler tommorow.

The bruises and scars hurt the least she found, she was used to handling that kind of pain.
The power abuse and personality change in her attacker was what really haunted her. The broken trust and having her reality turned upside down once again unsettled her more than anything.

It had been a week since she ran away from Kitty Express.
Katya was endlessly helpful, and Trixie cursed herself for wasting so much of the time that they could have spent together believing lies, avoiding Katya, and running to the very people she should have been running from.
But she tried not to let herself focus too much on that, instead trying to find joy in being reunited with the woman she loved so much.

Letting Katya touch her was getting easier, but they had yet to do anything other than share comforting hugs.
Trixie hadn't been ready for anything more, and luckily Katya understood that. The brown eyed girl found comfort in being around someone who knew what it felt like to be trapped by that demon.

Having someone truly understand was liberating because she never feared that she was letting the older woman down if she said no to talking about it or refused to let the other woman touch her. Katya didn't push her, she just waited. Waited until Trixie let her back in. Respected that it would take time to do so.

"Hey кукла." Katya said as Trixie left the Russian's bedroom.
The doll had been using the blue eyed girl's bedroom since she returned, feeling a little guilty for kicking the older woman out of her own room, but Katya had insisted that she was perfectly fine on the spare bed she had set up in her large living room.

"Good morning." Trixie replied as she sat down at a barstool to watch Katya cook up breakfeast.

"How are you feeling?" The Russian asked as she placed a plate of pancakes with strawberries on top in front of Trixie.

"Better than yesterday." She replied with a small smile.

"That's all we can hope for, цветок."

"Another nickname?" Trixie enquired, she loved the adorable Russian nicknames Katya would use for her.

"Mhm, it means flower." Katya stated, which made Trixie blush, a light pink giving color to her pale cheeks.

"Oh, that's cute." Katya gave her smile and a slight warm chuckle as she blushed a deeper shade.

Trixie liked mornings like this, the rythmn they'd started to find, the normality she was starting to regain, the domesticity of what a life with Katya could be.

The common words shared that conveyed their love for each other effortlessly. The calmness and comfort in being around eachother.
The warmth and care of every glace and smile.
She had decided that she wouldn't mind a future where this was her normality.

Not everything had been spoken about yet, but she no longer felt the need to discuss everything. She enjoyed them taking their time.

She'd be happy to live this slanted life forever with Katya. She didn't need it to be perfect, she just needed it to be.

There were those times a day when Trixie suddenly felt lost and alone, trapped in a cobweb of negative emotions, but then Katya would make sure to remind her of why she was special and important to her.

Katya seemed like a shielding soft cloud above her head, or a calm wind blowing her in the right direction. Step by step, day by day, Trixie was getting closer and closer to the person she once was. Any lingering reservations against the older woman slowly melting away as the woman's sunlight shined upon her.
She knew there would come an end to the invisible path she was walking, with Katya's heart hugging her tightly and guiding her towards a dawn without ending.

Once Trixie had finished, Katya removed her plate and washed the bench as Trixie jumped off the stool. Usually the Barbie would return to the bedroom straight after breakfeast to write, rest, or just lay and think, but this time she settled down on the couch.

"Can we watch a movie?" Trixie asked shyly. The Russian looked slightly shocked, walking over with an expression of disbelief.

"Ehm, yeah, yes, of course we can, кукла." Katya said as she sat down next to her, making sure to keep enough space between them so the brown eyed girl wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

But Trixie didn't feel uncomfortable that morning. She felt sort of okay, not perfect, but okay.

"What do you wanna watch?" Katya asked as she scrolled through her list of bought digital copies of movies.

"I don't know, Tangled maybe, I would say Clueless, but I'm not sure how I'll react to that one scene..."

"Yeah, let's not do that yet, we have lots of time and you'll get there." The Russian replied as she clicked on Tangled.

As the movie started playing, Trixie settled herself closer to the blue eyed woman. She hesitantly layed her head on the older woman's shoulder and relaxed into the pillows when panic didn't ensue.

"Trix? Can I put my arm around you?" Katya asked softly. Trixie nodded, and smiled when the Russian's arm wrapped around her. Moments later it was the Barbie's turn to break their attention from the screen.

"Katya? Can you kiss me?"

Katya looked shocked, it was a big step and a territory they had yet to test since Trixie's return.

"Okay детка, but just a simple kiss, okay?" Trixie loved that about Katya, her intent on not pushing the younger girl too quickly, her determination to let Trixie rebuild herself slowly.

"Okay." Trixie replied before feeling Katya's soft, plump lips on hers for the first time in months. It was short and sweet, not too much pressure and they both quickly pulled away from eachother, but it was a beginning.

"You okay?" Katya asked.

"Yeah, it was nice." Trixie stated with a shy smile before returning to her previous position and turning her attention to the screen.

Their cold winter was coming to an end, the rainstorm finally passing, and Trixie knew their promised season would come. They'd laugh again under a clear blue sky when the bright sun had warmed up Trixie's heart completely, melting away the fears of yesterday.

In that moment she knew;
they'd be okay.

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