Chapter 26: Before Our Spring

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The turnout was good, the club filled to the brim with an entertained audience. Katya was content, not happy, but content. She didn't know if she could ever be truly happy again, but at least for now she was okay.

Jaida was on stage currently, killing it as per usual, Katya would be going on later in the evening. Halfway through she pulled Monet on stage with her, making Katya laugh a little as she had no idea the other girl even knew Jaida's choreography. These girls really did their best to keep the club's popularity up.

Some of their patrons had left when Trixie did, followed the girl to Kitty Express. But most had returned once February rolled around, many of them stating that Trixie seemed uncomfortable and overworked.

Katya wished it didn't worry her as much as it did. She wished she didn't care. Wished she didn't dream of Trixie's voice and miss it once she woke up. Wished she could get the tearful echo of their last conversation out of her head.
But each endless, thick, dark night was spent with thoughts of the brown eyed beauty, no matter how hard she tried to forget her.

Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder. Katya turned to find a tall man with a worried look on his face.

"How can I help you?" She asked politely, thinking the man probably wanted a lap dance or private, both of which was out of the question.

"Ehm, I think one of your dancers may be passed out outside." He said nervously as he pointed towards the front door where she could just barely see a woman laying in the street.

"Oh my god, thank you so much for telling me." She said quickly as she sprinted towards the door, stopping on her way to get Pete and Chase.

The girl layed there small and fragile, barely any clothes on her curvy frame. And as Katya got closer she could finally see who it was.

"Trixie?" She asked tentatively, but there was no response.

"She must be freezing, let's get her inside." Pete said, as he and Chase picked up the girl. She seemed almost blue, a shadow of the girl Katya remembered. Her hair was frizzy and wild, a once white crop top and a tiny light blue skirt the only thing shielding her from the cold weather.

"Get her up to my apartment, we need to get her warm quickly." Katya stated worry filling her entire body as she viewed how the girl lied lifeless in the boys' arms. She quickly ran in front of them and opened the door, seeing multiple dancers look towards them as they carried the fragile woman inside the apartment above the club.

"Thank you so much, I'll take care of her, just please get someone to cover for me." She told Pete and Chase after they'd placed Trixie down on Katya's bed.

"No problem miss Katya." Chase replied.

"I'll take care of it Kat, just make sure to call someone if you need any help with Trixie or if she needs a medic. It mostly seems like exhaustion, but you never know." Pete stated as he and Chase made their way toward the door.

"I will, thanks again Pete." She stated as she closed the door gently, not wanting to startle Trixie.

Katya made her way to Trixie's side, hating how broken the poor girl looked. Her makeup seemed washed away by tears, her body was scratched up, and bruises covered her knees.

The Russian carefully removed the high heeled boots that Trixie was wearing, seeing fiery red blisters on the girl's tired feet.

How did she get like this?

She heard a shuffling noise from the sheets, and moments later the honey brown eyes that Katya had longed for fluttered open.

"W-where am I?" Trixie asked, her voice gravelly and rough, her tone terrified as she looked around with panic in her eyes, somehow still not recognizing Katya.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're safe. You're safe, Trixie." Katya said as she gently sat down on the bed next to the terrified girl. She reached out to touch the girl's arm, but Trixie quickly pulled away and looked down at her own lap.

"P-please don't. I can't. Please don't." The girl said in a broken voice as tears filled her eyes.

"Okay, okay. I won't touch you, okay. See? I'm just sitting over here. Will you look at me, кукла?" Katya said as she put her hands in her lap, trying to comfort the girl.

"Katya?" Trixie asked as she finally looked directly at the Russian.

"Yes, it's me, детка." Katya said softly, cursing herself for speaking at all when the girl broke down crying.

"K-Katya, I am.. I'm so sorry. Y-you were right, y-you were r-right about everything. He's...h-he's a m-monster, I-I should have trusted y-you. I'm s-sorry." The doll spoke through a seemingly endless stream of tears, and Katya's heart shattered.

"Trixie, can I hug you? It's okay to say no." Katya said, piecing together scenarios in her head of what had happened and feeling anger grow in her at the thought of anyone harming Trixie.

The young girl gave a tiny nod, and seconds later Katya wrapped her up carefully in a warm hug.
She didn't say anything for a while, just let Trixie cry on her shoulder as she held her.

"Trix, did he..?" Katya couldn't finish the question. She knew he was capable of it, after all she'd lived that reality once already.

"N-no, I-I stopped him before, b-before he could." Katya breathed a slight sigh of relief at that. The last thing she wanted was for Trixie to experience what she did.

When the girl had calmed down, her breathing evening out after long, Katya broke their hug and went back to her original spot on the bed.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Katya asked.

"Not tonight." Trixie replied.

"Okay, you should get some sleep and then in the morning a nice hot bath, okay?" She told the young girl as she started to get up, knowing too well how much you didn't want people to touch you too much after an experience like that.

"Mhm, Katya?" The tired girl asked.

"Yeah, кукла?"

"Can you please.. just stay and hold my hand until I fall asleep?" Trixie asked in a small voice. Katya gently and slowly took Trixie's hand in hers.

"Of course, Trixie. Now, go to sleep, кукла. You've had a long day and it hurts right now, but I promise you'll get through this. You're the strongest person I know Trixie, remember that." Katya said comfortingly as the exhausted girl relaxed into the covers.

"And Trixie?"

"Mhm?" The girl replied sleepily, her eyes already closed.

"Welcome home." A small smile grazed Trixie's lips as the cloud of sleep pulled her into it's warmth, letting the young girl relax fully for the first time that night.

As Katya looked down at the weak girl, she forgot all the agony and heartbreak. Any disagreements and altercations didn't matter anymore. The only thing that mattered was that Trixie was safe.

Trixie said once that she wasn't made of porcelain, and now Katya knew that to be true more than ever.

She seemed more to Katya like a Skeleton Flower. Tho transparent and frail looking when the rain comes pouring down, the strength of it's pedals still keeps it alive as it fights for another day in the sun.

Trixie was like that, tho frail and bruised at that moment, Katya knew she was strong enough to get through it.

One day, her pedals would turn strong and brilliant white once again and shimmer like stardust under the glow of warm sunlight.

"You'll be okay кукла, I promise." Katya whispered softly as she carefully shut the bedroom door and left the wounded angel to sleep in peace.

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