Chapter 8: I Want To Protect You

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Katya never slept well next to other people, she usually kicked people out as soon as they were done. But Trixie?
Something about her made Katya want to cuddle her forever. She had slept better than she ever did and woken up feeling like the luckiest woman alive.

She was convinced that Trixie had no idea how attractive she was.
Katya would happily pray to those curves every day. Devote her life to worship her thick thighs, wide hips, slim waist and large, round breasts.

They'd had breakfast together which had made Katya fantasize about what domestic life might be like with Trixie, before the pink haired girl was called by Kim who'd wanted to run a number by her.
Katya was happy that she got along with the other girls well, but she couldn't help but feel slightly jealous at the thought of Trixie performing with someone else.

Katya was dressed in a band t-shirt and ripped shorts, wanting to feel comfortable before she'd have to put on tonight's costume.

"Great job, Trix, and thanks for doing this with me." She heard Kim say as she walked downstairs.

Trixie and Kim had been practicing their number and apparently they wanted it to be a surprise, allthough Katya mostly thought Trixie made that demand.
Katya still asked that Pete looked at it to make sure it was stage ready as she had never seen Trixie do choreographed moves before, and Kim could at times have two left feet.

"What's the verdict?" She asked, her mouth almost dropping to the floor when she saw the shorts Trixie was wearing. Her ass was spilling out of them, making it look even fuller than it was, and the short length of the clothing item made her legs looked impossibly long.

"Ehm, Katya?" She heard Pete say. She shook her head to get out of her daze.


"Like I said, it's good, I think the crowd will enjoy it. What do you wanna do for the lineup today?" Pete replied.

"Great, it's in then. I'm still considering, I think we should take a round and hear who's got numbers ready. We should also be prepared for the possibility of Bill or his guys showing up, so let's make it a good one. I refuse to give him any reason to think that we need his help." She said sternly. As Trixie stepped of the stage with Kim, Katya called her over.

"Hey кукла, I'm excited to see your number, and it would be great if you wanted to do a solo number. However I don't want you out on the floor tonight at all. Bill, he said some things, and it's worrying me a little. I'm not gonna be performing at all, and I'll mostly stay backstage tonight, so you can just stay by my side, okay?"

"Oh okay, but Katya, what did he actually say? It's okay, you can tell me." Trixie asked. She didn't look scared, just curious.
Katya felt scared however, scared of Bill taking the cotton candy angel away from her. Scared of Bill corrupting Trixie like he did Katya. Scared of Bill finding out Katya cared about Trixie.

"Nothing much, but he asked me to give you to him, to his club, as a gift. Bill's really bad news, you just gotta trust me. I don't want you to get hurt, Trix." Katya spoke honestly, figuring Trixie deserved that much. The young girl looked a little taken aback at the new information.

"A gift? Why would he want me?" She asked.

"Because, like I said, you're a star, Trixie. You're a moneymaker, someone who'll draw in an audience, he sees that. I'm just frightened he might also realise that there is something between us. If he knew that, he will use it against me. He will use you against me." Katya explained. Trixie stood silent, but blushed slightly when Katya mentioned that there was something between them.

"Okay, I'll stay close to you tonight." Trixie said finally. Katya pulled her close and kissed her softly.

"Thank you кукла. Do you want to solo dance tonight?" She asked.

"It might be nice to do one song solo, maybe before mine and Kim's number?" Trixie suggested. Katya nodded gently, smiling at the young girl.

"That sounds good, I can't wait to see you perform." Katya said with a little smirk which made Trixie blush and hide her face in Katya's neck.

"You're just the cutest, did you know? I will never let anyone harm you,
кукла. I promise." Katya said kissing the top of Trixie's head.

The girl had her under a spell, she could feel herself fall too fast, get too involved, and yet she didn't care. Trixie was worth it all.
Trixie was the kind of girl you got and never let go of.
Trixie was the type you grow old with.

Katya wanted to wake up next to the pink haired angel.
Wanted to make her breakfeast in the morning.
Wanted to hear Trixie sing her to sleep.

Trixie Mattel was everything Katya ever wanted.
Katya had no idea what she had done to deserve someone like her, but she was determined not to fuck it up.

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