Chapter 20: My Anchor Doesn't Reach Anymore

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Katya had tried.
Tried to get answers out of Trixie.
Tried to get an explanation.
Any explanation.
But the pink haired girl wouldn't say why she went out or why she was angry with the Russian that night, so eventually she had dropped the subject. Figuring that Trixie probably just had a bad day.

The two of them were good, Trixie seemed a little tense, but overall everything was normal.

"Hey Kat." Katya heard behind her as she ruffled through the papers in her office, organization really wasn't her strong suit.

"Oh hey Court. What's up?" Katya asked as she saw the petite blonde in the doorway.

"I just wanted to talk to you about my numbers. I've got a pole number which I think will really wow people and I think I'd want to switch out my last song with that." Courtney explained.

Katya didn't even know why she asked, the girl knew she had Katya's absolute trust. The blonde had talent seeping out of her fingertips, so much so that she was one of the people Katya admired the most.
Courtney was one of Katya's closest friends from when the Russian first came to America. She had helped the young Russian with the language, and been a person she knew she could always rely on.
But Courtney had eventually left the club they worked at for a record deal. However when it had turned out that the record company were actually adult film producers, Courtney had left and gone back to performing, jumping from club to club until she landed with them.

"Court, you know you're free to switch out anything you'd like. Are you doing 3 songs tonight?" Katya asked. She liked to highlight the new performers for a while to really let their clientele get to know them, that way they'd have lots of requests on days that they weren't performing.

"Yeah, that would be great." Courtney replied.

"Cool, just go to Pearl and let her know which songs you're using, get changed, and I'll be there to announce the lineup soon." Katya said, to which the blonde nodded before leaving the room.

Once she had finished the paperwork, which she had postponed to the last minute as it was her least favorite thing in the world, she headed over to the dressing room seeing a familiar cotton candy haired girl standing by the door.

"Hey детка." Katya said, wrapping the girl up in a hug from behind, kissing her neck softly. Trixie tensed up slightly, which Katya absolutely hated.  She wanted the old Trixie, the always smiling and ridiculously adorable doll that she had come to care so much about.

"Hello Katya." Trixie said, turning around in the Russian's arms. Katya frowned a little at the stiff greeting, but smiled when the girl leaned in to place a soft kiss on her lips.

"You okay, кукла?" Katya asked. She was getting increasingly worried about the change in Trixie.

Maybe Katya was too clingy?
Maybe Trixie no longer wanted her?
Maybe it was Katya's reluctance to label them as girlfriends?

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little stressed. Hey, I've got these great numbers for tonight. I've really been pushing myself and I think these would be amazing." Trixie said, making Katya sigh.

"Trix, I'm sorry but, we only have time for one number from you tonight." Katya tried to explain.

She knew Trixie wanted to perform more, but Courtney was new, and Violet, Tatianna and herself hadn't performed in a while.

"Are you serious?" Trixie said sounding angry.

"Trix, I'm sorry but it's just the way things are, more girls means less time for everyone, at least until the audience gets to know Courtney." Katya tried to reason.

"But you were completely fine pulling me from solo performances for weeks." Trixie challenged.

"I did that for you, I didn't want you hurt. I wanted to protect you." Katya stated.

"You know what, it really seems like you're just protecting your own interests." Trixie mumbled out, which confused Katya more than anything she'd done so far.

"Listen, I don't know why you're mad at me, but you acting like a selfish child isn't productive at all." Katya said growing annoyed with Trixie's bratty behavior.

"Oh, so now I'm a child? I'm too young for you is that it?" Trixie replied.

"No, but Trix this has nothing to do with us. Like it or not, I'm your boss, and there are other people than you working here. Now, we can talk about whatever personal issues we have later, but right now I have a lineup to announce and you have a costume to get into." Katya scolded.

Trixie's attitude was pissing her off. No matter what they were, Trixie was still her employee and the Barbie needed to understand that.

"You barely let me do numbers when I got here, Katya! I'd only just started doing 3 songs again when that fucking Australian bimbo walked in and stole all the time!" Trixie yelled. Katya took hold of her arm.

"What the fuck, Trix? Courtney is my friend, and your colleague. Get your fucking act together. Now!" Katya said sternly as she saw a familiar blonde walk out of the dressing room, visibly uncomfortable.

"We'll discuss this later, right now I've gotta go clean up your mess." Katya said as she turned around to look for her Australian friend.

"Yeah, run after her, it's all you've done for the past week." She heard Trixie mumble in a broken voice.

Why was she so mad at Courtney?
What was happening?

Katya made her way out to the front of the club, and spotted the petite blonde girl.

"Sorry about her, I don't know what's up with her. She's not usually like this." Katya stated. The Australian smiled but her eyes still conveyed sadness.

"It's okay, I just don't know what I did to make her dislike me so much, and frankly it kind of sucks if your girlfriend hates me." Courtney said with a little laugh.

"Well, she's technically not my girlfriend."

"Yeah, why is that?" Courtney asked.

"I don't know, I'm just afraid I guess. I've never done a relationship like that, what if I hurt her? What if I end up loosing her?" Katya said voicing some of the thoughts that had plagued her mind for so long. She pulled out a lighter and a cigarette from her jacket pocket, needing the calming effect it had on her.

"Frankly Kat, I think you're hurting her more if you keep going like this. Even just now when she was angry, she sounded more confused and hurt than anything else." Courtney said with a concerned tone.

"Maybe you're right, it's just difficult to let someone in like that." The Russian replied as she lit her cigarette.

"You can't live your life in fear, Katya. That's not living, that's surviving." Courtney said before leaving Katya alone at the wall. As she felt her  nerves calm with each inhale, the words of the Australian replayed in her mind;

You can't live in fear.

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